Two presentations on the topic of timber.
George Fereday's research explores the use of domestically grown timber in the UK built environment. He investigates the territories between forestry practice, the rural economy and the timber building industry in Britain whilst promoting new architectural uses for overlooked domestic tree species. This research informs George's undergraduate teaching practice through applied structural timber prototypes at the 1:1 scale.
Jez Ralph, of Timber Strategies is interested in bridging the gap between forestry and end-use with a focus on innovation, localised solutions and distributed digital manufacturing. He also has a sideline in landscape-scale forestry and future land-use. He has been involved in the Evolving the Forest programme and also in lecturing/tutoring architecture students at the AA & Arts University Bournemouth, as well as being heavily involved at Hooke Park for the last seven years. Jez also has a current interest in urban forestry beyond the visual aesthetics as a productive resource for urban societies.
The two 20-minute presentations will be followed by a chaired discussion between the presenters and the audience, with the objective of peer review and helping the presenters push their research forward.
Image credit: Prototype House, Hooke Park © Architectural Association Photo Library

Date/time | Thursday 7 November 2019 at 6.30pm |
Book now | Register |
Location | The Sir John Cass School of Art, Architecture and Design (The Cass) London Metropolitan University Room GSG-15, Calcutta House |
@CassResearch | |
Contact | Jane Clossick |