
Two presentations on the topic of Ontologies.

Luke Jones: The shifting meaning of poché — originally a term of art in architectural rendering, but growing by degrees into a spatial abstraction and specific design method — is the result of a productive mistranslation. In its original form it would be difficult to imagine anything more innocuous, a mere act of clarification or colouring in. But in its transposition from the bounds of the atelier to the discursive space of theory, and in its adoption within a new American milieu, the term not only acquires a previously absent gravitas, but also a sort of metaphorical depth and mediative agency.

Luke is a partner at Mill & Jones, an architecture and design practice working on small projects across architecture, making, illustration and branding.


Trevor Norris' talk title will be ‘Contact! Contact!’.

In Ecology Without Nature, Timothy Morton's work on ecological thinking, a response to Graham Harman's object-oriented ontology, Morton discusses ‘ambient poetics’, that is, the evocation of nature and environment in textual form. Morton identifies an aspect of ambient poetics which he terms 'the re-mark’ and which refers to ‘aesthetic [and] metaphysical distinctions [...] between inside and outside.’ All nature writing tries to evoke ambience, environment and sense of place by making the written medium seem to disappear (You, me, here, nature, this text, it’s all one thing). The force of the re-mark as an idea is that it draws our attention to a different picture of environment in which background, foreground and medium collapse, and a new sense of nature appears. As Morton suggests, ‘Nature loses its nature when we look at it head on.’

Trevor Norris is the course leader for the Creative Writing and English Literature BA. His teaching and research interests include literary and cultural modernism, ecopoetics and ecocriticism and the work of D.H. Lawrence.

Image: MK Payre

Architectural plan poché


Date/time Thursday 26 March 2020 at 6.30pm
Book now Register for tickets here

The Sir John Cass School of Art, Architecture and Design (The Cass)
London Metropolitan University
Room GSG-15, Goulston Street Building

Twitter @CassResearch
Contact Jane Clossick

Cass Research Seminar 2019-20
