Cass PhD students’ progress submission presentations Bobby Supatira (Architecture), Jane McAllister (Architecture) and Mary-Jane Opie (Art)
Cass PhD students’ progress submission presentations Bobby Supatira (Architecture), Jane McAllister (Architecture) and Mary-Jane Opie (Art)
Short presentations followed by panel discussion between the students on differences and similarities. Come and find out what our Cass PhD students are doing here at The Cass as they prepare for their annual student progress review. If you're interested in doing a PhD at The Cass, these talks will give you a taster of the kind of design research projects art and architecture students are pursuing.
Dogs in photographs
Art PhD student Mary-Jane Opie researches representations of dogs in photography: Pictorial references describing ‘power’, ‘anthropocentricity’, ‘need’, ‘individuality’ and ‘status’. These themes act as a starting point for an ethnographic research into the interspecies co-habitation with ‘man’s best friend’ - the modern pet companion dog.
Thai people in London
Architecture PhD student Bobby Supatira’s research focuses on the Thai immigrant currently living in London, with a view to understanding the spatial and social practices involved in the creation of their cosmopolitan identity within a migratory setting.
Oxford City Farm
Architecture PhD student Jane McAllister: The design development, making and curation of things; buildings, animals, people and landscape, for the Oxford City Farm is an ongoing dialogical practice, which aims to set up a critical enquiry into local identity.
The Cass Research Seminar is a forum for exploring cross-disciplinary, phenomenological, academic and real-life experiences and ideas. Two presentations will be followed by a lively panel discussion between the audience, a professional discussant and the two speakers.

Date/time | Monday 16 April 2018, 6.30pm |
Book now | Eventbrite |
Location | London Metropolitan University GSG-15A, Goulston Street |
On Twitter | @CassCities @CassResearch |
Contact | Jane Clossick |