
Impact studies

Impact Case Study 1

In a randomised, placebo-controlled, double-blind trial (Registration Number – ISRCTN80844630), we have demonstrated that lipid therapy reduces seizure frequency rate by over 40% in patients with drug-resistant epilepsy. There are about 60 million individuals who suffer from epilepsy and nearly 25 million of them do not respond to anti-epileptic drugs. Therefore, our finding has the potential to have a significant impact on the management of the disease. Further work will be undertaken to enhance the significance and reach of the findings.

Impact Case Study 2

Our collaborative programme with researchers in Mexico and Nigeria revealed vitamin D and omega 3 fatty acids deficiency and a high level of markers of inflammation in type 2 diabetic patients from the two countries. We will conduct a multi-county translational study (supplementation with vitamin D and omega 3 fatty acids), and biochemical and immunological investigations in patients with the disease. We expect the findings of the multicentre translation study to have an impact on diabetes management.

Impact Case Study 3

Globally, between five and 20% of pregnancy is complicated by pre-existing (type 1 and 2) and pregnancy-induced diabetes mellitus (GDM). The prevalence has increased exponentially in the last three decades due to obesity and unhealthy lifestyles. This increase is more prevalent in diabetes-predisposed communities. In the UK, about 5% of l pregnancies are affected by pre-existing (0.6%) and gestational (4.4%) diabetes. In seminal investigations (trial registration no. ISRCTN68997518) we demonstrated:

  1. Pregnant women with type 2 (pre-existing) and gestational diabetes (GDM), and their babies at birth are deficient in omega-3 fatty acids
  2. Supplementation corrects the deficiency in mothers and babies in pre-existing diabetes, and only in mothers in GDM
  3. In diabetes-pre-disposed communities, women without a history of GDM develop the condition in early pregnancy.

The impacts are: all high-risk women are tested for GDM in the first trimester; those who developed the condition are routinely screened for insulin resistance at postpartum; focused nutritional counselling is given to all pregnant women with diabetes.