Art, Architecture and Design (AAD) Sessions 2023-24

Hosted by CREATURE (Centre for Creative Arts, Cultures and Engagement) and CUBE (Centre for Urban and Built Ecologies)

AAD Sessions are a series of public conversations that bring together researchers and practitioners from the School of Art, Architecture and Design (AAD) and the wider world, to present their research for review amongst peers. The seminars are a forum in which researchers – both traditional and practice-based – can test and present their ideas in conversation with peers and a broader audience. The sessions seek cross-fertilisation of ideas and between disciplines.

Follow us on Twitter for the latest information @Research_LMArts

Please sign up for tickets for the online seminars by clicking the registration link below. All are welcome at our AAD Sessions, both from inside and outside London Met's School of Art, Architecture and Design.

AAD Sessions 2023-24

SeminarDate/timeBook now
CREATURE: The Line, Exploring Public Art and the Environment Wednesday 18 October, 5:30pm Registration ended
Inaugural Lecture: Prof. Anne Karpf Thursday 19 October, 6.00pm Registration ended
CUBE: AAD Books: Architecture, Scale, and the City Tuesday 24 October, 5.30pm Registration ended
Interdisciplinary Research Forum: Architecture Beyond Buildings Wednesday 15 November, 5.30pm Registration ended
CREATURE: Monumental Cares Wednesday 22 November, 5.30pm Registration ended
Inaugural Lecture: Prof. Nick Temple Thursday 24 November 6pm Registration ended
AAD Research Forum: A user-guide to research funding Wednesday 29 November, 4pm Registration ended
CUBE: AAD Books: Everyday Streets Thursday 30 November, 5pm Registration ended
CREATURE: MusArc: Locating Research Wednesday 06 December, 5.30pm Registration ended
CUBE: Anthropotropic Architecture: Human Wellbeing at the Heart of Design Wednesday 13 December, 5.30pm Registration ended
CUBE: Studio South Co-creating Architecture Education through Residencies in Calabria Wednesday 17 January 2024, 5.30pm Registration ended
CREATURE: CREATURE Lab event: Photographs as Replacement in West African Traditional Religion Wednesday 31 January 2024, 5.30pm Registration ended
CREATURE: Project: Raffaello in Prison: Reflections on historic artworks and social engagement Wednesday 21 February 2024, 5.30pm Registration ended
CUBE: Spatial Practice in a Post-Disaster City Wednesday 28 February 2024, 5.30pm Registration ended
CREATURE: Ethno-Botanic Resonance Wednesday 6 March 2024, 5.30pm Registration ended
Postgraduate Research Event: PhD Symposium Wednesday 20 March 2024, 2.000pm-6.00pm Registration ended
AAD Session PhD Alumni Event

Wednesday 20 March 2023,


Registration ended

(Re)Making: Women, Craft and Design in the Global South

Wednesday 27 March 2023,


Registration ended
CUBE: AAD Books: Strayed Homes Wednesday 17 April 2024, 5.30pm Register ended
CREATURE: Making Matters: 3:0 - Private View and Event Wednesday 19 April 2024 Register ended
Inaugural Lecture: Prof. Wessie Ling Wednesday 25 April 2024, 6pm Register ended
CREATURE: Industrial Makeshifts and Memories of Work Wednesday 1 May 2024, 5.30pm Register ended
AAD Research Forum: A user guide to research ethics Wednesday 15 May 2024, 4pm Registration ended
A photo of Wash Houses with 1846 inscription

Image: Photography by Stuart Lee, 2021


Day and time Wednesdays from 5pm to 7pm (unless otherwise stated)
Location Online seminars
London Metropolitan University – School of Art, Architecture and Design
Watch recorded seminars on You Tube Art, Architecture and Design (AAD) Sessions
More information AAD Research
Follow on Twitter @Research_LMArts
Contact Contact centre directors at CUBE and CREATURE.

AAD Sessions 2023-24
