Book Launch: Everyday Streets

About this event

Book launch: Everyday Streets: Inclusive approaches to understanding and designing streets

A new co-edited volume, a collection of knowledge from a wide range of authors about everyday streets, edited by Dr Jane Clossick (London Metropolitan University), Dr Agustina Martire (Queen's University Belfast) and Birgit Hausleitner (TU Delft).

Everyday streets (high streets, mains streets) are both the most used and most undervalued of cities’ public spaces. They are places of social aggregation, bringing together those belonging to different classes, genders, ages, ethnicities and nationalities. They comprise not just the familiar outdoor spaces that we use to move and interact but also urban blocks, interiors, depths and hinterlands, which are integral to their nature and contribute to their vitality.

The focus of this book is an inclusive approach to understanding and designing everyday streets; an analysis of many aspects of streets from cities around the globe. From the regular rectilinear urban blocks of Montreal to the military-regulated narrow alleyways of Naples, from the resilient market streets of London to the crammed commercial streets of Chennai, Everyday Streets is a palimpsest of methods, perspectives and recommendations that together provide a solid understanding of everyday streets. At the book launch you can expect music, interesting talks from some of our contributing authors, books to buy and tasty snacks.

Everyday Streets is now available to download as an open-access PDF.  

If you want a hard copy, you can save 20% when you use the code UCL23AF97L on the UCL Press website. Copies will be available for sale at the book launch.

Author biographies

Jane Clossick is an urbanist, Senior Lecturer in Architecture and studio leader for the Cities Unit in MArch Architecture at the School of Art, Architecture and Design at London Metropolitan University. Her action research is focused on industrial diversity and high streets in London and Europe, as well as the relationship between human-scale architecture and social life. Her work is transdisciplinary, collaborating with philosophers and practitioners in a range of fields.

Birgit Hausleitner is an architect and urbanist, lecturer and researcher in the Urban Design section in the Department of Urbanism, Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment, Delft University of Technology. Her research comprises work on urban diversity and mixed-use cities, focusing on the multi-scalar and configurational aspects of urban conditions that facilitate, introduce or improve combinations of living and working.

Agustina Martire is Senior Lecturer in Architecture at Queen’s University Belfast. She specialises in the study of everyday streets and their fabric, histories and experiences. She is especially interested in the way people experience the built environment, and how design can enable a more inclusive and just urban space. She has worked in schools of architecture in Buenos Aires, Delft, Dublin and Belfast and collaborates with a range of government and non-government organisations.

Everyday Streets book cover


Date/time Thursday 30 November 2023, 5pm - 8pm
Book ticket Event ended
Location  The Wash Houses, Room CCG-02, Calcutta House, London Metropolitan University, Aldgate Campus

AAD Sessions – 2023-24 seminar series 
