Visiting lecturer’s environmental project features in British Design Council video.

Josie Tucker's work with Richard Ashton produced design-focused work about environmental issues.

Date: 22 October 2019

Adapt!, a project run by designer Josie Tucker, who is a visiting lecturer on Visual Communication courses at The Cass, with Richard Ashton has recently featured in a video made by the British Design Council as part of their 10 x 10 series profiling emerging design talent.

Adapt is a ‘climate club’ with one goal: to make design-focused work about environmental issues, using humour and contemporary culture to demystify climate change and provide simple and accessible solutions for action. Using Instagram as their primary communication tool they create innovative campaigns to raise awareness and encourage participation. They launched in 2018 with the Don’t Be A Fossil Fool’ campaign which used attractive digital assets to encourage ‘switching’ to renewable energy sources but also eye catching real life interventions such as beer mats in pubs.

Other activities have included a climate change speed dating event at Tate Lates and a curated downloadable calendar which helps people find the best climate focused events.

Josie teaches on the Work Ready 1 Module as The Visual Communication’s industry designer-in-residence for the academic year 2019/20 she will be mentoring small teams of students on whilst they work on the The Cass Summer Show identity live brief. The module is intended to enable graphic designers, publishers, illustrators and animators to gain experience and understanding of working practices within their respective creative industries.

Josie will also be presenting a public lecture at The Cass in November as part of the Cass Visual Communications lunch time series you can book a ticket.

Three aligned doors with the numbers 1, 2 and 3 painted on them

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