Students are confident that their courses are inclusive, high quality and industry relevant.
We want all our students to complete their studies and experience high quality learning and teaching. Research has shown that the widespread use of effective and inclusive teaching and assessment practices and good relationships between staff and students are at the core of student success. Student feedback shows that the vast majority of our students are satisfied with all aspects of their course but we are ambitious and are seeking excellence and therefore want to increase the satisfaction rates across all courses even further.
At London Met this means:
- Teaching, learning and assessment is inclusive, practical, active, problem-focused and develops highly valued knowledge and skills.
- Use of RAG rated and weighted Course and Module dashboards enables us to track progress against our ambitions.
- The MET-CEP is used to drive up student success for courses with metrics below benchmarks/thresholds and ambitions on inclusivity.

Our vision: Our students will come from our local communities and from across the globe. They will have an excellent experience with successful academic outcomes, and we will continue to celebrate that we are one of the most diverse, socially inclusive and transformative universities in the UK. Source: University Strategy
Explore the strategy