The forum builds on a wide range of research activities at the University. It aims to explore common areas of interest that cut across narrow disciplinary, professional and geographical interests, helping to lay the foundations for productive dialogue, exchange and cooperation. The forum will invite academic participants from across the University and PhD students. External participants and speakers will also be invited.
The Interdisciplinary Research Forum (IRF) aims to provide a focal point within the University for research concerning key contemporary societal trends and issues, based on London Met researcher areas of expertise and external expertise. The IRF will be strongly inter-disciplinary in its conception and will actively encourage participation from all areas of humanities, social and natural sciences. The forum will also place emphasis on the involvement of practitioner and policymaker audiences – through direct participation and knowledge exchange.
Key aims
- To foster research cooperation between scholars working in London Met and other UK universities, facilitating the development of joint research projects, external bids for funding and publications.
- To enable academics and postgraduates to engage in the exchange of ideas and form close networks, supported by regular workshop participation.
- To promote active debate about real-life issues.
- To explore the funding landscape.
- To promote a networking environment and facilitate creation of new working groups.
- To support early-career researchers.
- To enhance the impact of London Met's research.
Convened by Professor Svetlana Stephenson and Professor Lijun Shang, events will be workshop-based and run on a bimonthly schedule, with a wide range of interdisciplinary topics up for discussion, such as vaccines, the antivaxx movement and public policy and public shaming.
Follow the Research and Postgraduate Office on Eventbrite, for notifications of future Interdisciplinary Research Forum events.

Contact details
For further information about the Interdisciplinary Research Forum, please contact Professor Svetlana Stephenson.