Dr Linda Patterson joined the Board of Governors as an independent governor in August 2022 and is a member of the Governance Committee and the Remuneration Committee.
Dr Linda Patterson is a consultant physician and has worked in the NHS for many years. She has also had leadership roles as a Trust Medical Director, Medical Director of the Quality Regulator of the NHS, and Vice President of the Royal College of Physicians. She has experience of non-executive roles at the National Patient Safety Agency and the Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Trust. Linda was appointed OBE in 2000 for Services to Medical Management.
She is passionate about widening opportunities for education and was the first person in her family to go to university. Lifelong learning is important to Linda and she has just completed courses in art history, which is a completely new discipline to her.
Linda’s other passion is music. She is developing her skills as a piano player and participates in workshops with other amateur musicians.
Linda is a Trustee of the Royal Society of medicine and is Chair of the Bradford District Care NHS Foundation Trust.