Our screening services

With the addition of our sport-specific fitness testing programs, screening gives us the opportunity to provide diagnostic and clinical advice to athletes at varying levels of performance.

Screening can be tailored to a specific sport to help athletes and coaches in the decision-making process. It can help to optimise your return to sport participation/performance, recovery protocols and injury prevention strategies. This is also helpful if you are an athlete who is looking to improve any fitness component such as:

  • strength
  • power
  • agility
  • quickness
  • balance and flexibility

The screening results will create a baseline score to work from.

Pricing for screening and strength conditioning testing for individuals and teams
 Number of participantsPrice
Screening (one session) One £60
Screening (three sessions) One £150
Screening (for teams) Please enquire Please enquire
Strength and conditioning testing (one session) One £60
Strength and conditioning testing (three sessions) One £150
Strength and conditioning testing (for teams) Please enquire  

Screening assessment

Initial screening will take between one-and-a-half and two hours, where we will look for predisposing factors that could cause injury and negatively impact your or your team's performance. A report will be made based upon the screening results, consisting of a tailored plan of action helping you to target identified areas. 

The three screening sessions can be scheduled to fit sporting seasons or adaptation timelines which will be discussed upon booking.

Strength and conditioning assessment

This testing aims to help athletes improve on specific performance goals by measuring power, strength, speed, agility, quickness, flexibility and endurance. These tests will be sport-specific so we will choose tests that are most specific to improving your performance in a particular sport.

Once we've finished the strength and conditioning assessment, your results will be discussed and a copy of the results will be available for you.

Book an appointment