Research in the mathematical sciences at London Met is mainly conducted in the areas of statistics and pure mathematics. This research is carried out within StORM, the Statistics, Operational Research and Mathematics Research Group, (established in 1992 after success in the RAE 1992). StORM currently has four research-active members of staff and complements the extensive teaching programme of the Mathematical Sciences Group. During the last few years we had five PhD completions.
StORM was successful in the Research Excellence Framework (REF) 2014 where over 50% of outputs were assessed as internationally excellent or world-leading and 40% of impacts were assessed as internationally excellent.
We have established an excellent research reputation within the UK and abroad and over the years have attracted research visitors from Spain, Brazil, Italy, Russia, Ukraine, Greece, Holland, Australia, Azerbaijan, Slovenia, Australia and Japan.
The statisticians within the group have a long record of research in statistical modelling and software development, the latter initially on behalf of the Royal Statistical Society. The team has developed what is now one of the most widely used statistical modelling techniques in the world, namely Generalised Additive Models for Location, Scale and Shape (GAMLSS).
In 2014 the team’s GAMLSS paper was one of the most downloaded papers of the Royal Statistical Society’s publications, with over 500 citations to date. The GAMLSS methodology was adopted by the Department of Nutrition for Health and Development of the World Health Organization (WHO) for the construction of the worldwide standard growth (centile) curves for children. More generally, GAMLSS models have been used in many different scientific fields such as actuarial science, biology, biosciences, energy economics, genomics, finance, fisheries, food consumption, growth curves estimation, marine research, medicine, meteorology, rainfall, vaccines, etc.
Short courses in GAMLSS have been given around the world, including Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Greece, Holland, Italy and in the UK such as to the Bank of England. The team regularly give invited lectures at international conferences. GAMLSS receives an average of over 30 worldwide hits per day through its dedicated website.
StORM Research Group
School of Computing and Digital Media
London Metropolitan University
Tower Building Room T9-03
166-220 Holloway Road
N7 8DB
Contact us:
Professor Edward Kissin, Professor in Pure Mathematics, email: