Our principal members and their collaborators

Each member of the team will bring invaluable expertise relevant to the Centre's work:

Professor Edward Kissin

Professor in Pure Mathematics e.kissin@londonmet.ac.uk 

Prof. Kissin specialises in the field of operator theory, the theory of Banach algebras and invariant subspace theory and the theory of algebra and group representations.

In a joint paper (see [5] in Recent Publications section) with his PhD student T Formisano, Prof. Kissin investigated the structure of Lp-spaces of operators from Schatten ideals and obtain analogues of Clarkson-McCarthy inequalities for these spaces.

In a series of collaborative project with VS Shulman (Russia) (see [1]-[4] in Recent Publications section) they investigated non-unitary representations of nilpotent groups, their cohomologies, extensions and neutral cocycles in cohomology.

Since 2010, Prof. Kissin has been a member of the editorial board for the Eurasian Mathematical Journal. He was an invited lecturer at Gotheburg conference on operator theory in 2011 and has given talks at various British universities and abroad. Prof. Kissin has been a peer review assessor of articles submitted to leading mathematical journals (eg Journal and Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society, Journal of Functional Analysis, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, Indiana University Mathematical Journal, Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society, etc) and for many years has been refereeing numerous papers for Mathematical Reviews.

Dr Zhanyuan Hou

Senior Lecturer in Pure Mathematics z.hou@londonmet.ac.uk

Dr Hou has been undertaking collaborative research since 2010 with Dr Stephen Baigent (UCL), who specialises in mathematical biology and dynamical systems. They have published a series of joint papers (see [1] and [3] in Recent Publications section). This collaboration of research will continue in the immediate and longer term, to produce high-quality outputs and external funding. Dr Hou is also interested in discrete dynamical systems and has published some joint papers on difference equation with his PhD student S Wu (see [4] and [5] in Recent Publications section).

Since 2013 Dr Hou has been a member of the editorial board for the Journal of Mathematical Research and Applications. He has been refereeing articles for many academic journals (eg Theory in Biosciences, Acta Math Sci, Journal of Biological Dynamics, Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing, Mathematical Bioscience, Nonlinear Analysis, Proceedings of American Math Soc, etc) and contributing reviews for Mathematical Review and zbMATH.

Dr Graham Taylor-Russell

Principal Lecturer in Mathematics g.taylor-russel@londonmet.ac.uk

Dr Robert Rigby

Reader in Statistics, External Associate Lecturer rigbyrar@gmail.com

Professor Mikis Stasinopoulos

Professor in Statistics, External Associate Lecturer d.stasinopoulos@londonmet.ac.uk

Dr Rigby and Prof. Stasinopoulos work closely together on the development of the theory and application of generalised additive models for scale, location and shape (GAMLSS) and on the associated GAMLSS, R software. The Statistics Group in StORM has regularly provided online consultancy throughout the Research Excellence Framework (REF) period on the R GAMLSS software which is used worldwide. There is a dedicated GAMLSS website managed by StORM.

They have collaborated with Prof. van Buuren, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, (University of Utrecht, the Netherlands) and Dr DJ Hayes, Dr FO Ter Keile and Dr DJ Terlouw (Child and Reproductive Health Group, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, Liverpool, UK), on estimating regional centile curves from mixed data sources and countries. Further collaboration has been with Graciela-Muniz Terrera and Ardo van den Hout (MRC Biostatistics Unit, Institute of Public Health, Robinson Way, Cambridge CB2 OSR, UK) on non-parametric random effects and with Carlo Di Maio (Deutsche Bank SpA, P.za del Calendario 3, 20126 Milano, Italy) and Matsumoto K (Kyoto University Japan) on agent-based computational economics of the global energy system, ACEGES). In the area of long-range forecasting of intermittent streamflow, Dr Rigby and Prof. Stasinopoulos have worked with FF van Ogtrop and RW Vervoort, (Hydrology Research Laboratory Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources, University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW, Australia) and GZ Heller, (Department of Statistics, Macquarie University, Sydney, NSW, Australia). Prof. Stasinopoulos has collaborated on interdisciplinary research in health. nutrition, biology and sports science.

Professor Robert Gilchrist

Professor in Statistics, External Associate Lecturer r.gilchrist@londonmet.ac.uk

Prof. Gilchrist collaborated with van den Hout (Cambridge) and van der Heijden (Utrecht) on randomised response models and with Rudge (London Met) on the modelling of fuel poverty and poor housing. Prof. Gilchrist was also an assessor for the ESRC Research Fellowship Scheme.


Dr Jonathan Iworiso

Senior Lecturer in Statistics j.iworiso@londonmet.ac.uk

Dr Iworiso is a seasoned statistician and data scientist, collaborating with colleagues to undertake intradisciplinary and interdisciplinary research across the globe, and complementing existing research activities in StORM Research Centre. He is keen to develop new research areas in Machine Learning for Predictive Analytics with applications in Finance, Economics, Environment, Biotechnology, Public Health, Medicine (Clinical Trials), Politics and Government Decision Making. He is mainly interested but not limited to Machine Learning and Data Science research spanning Computational Statistics, Applied Statistics, Exploratory Data Analysis, Machine Learning, Data Mining, Scientific Computing, Data Science and Big Data. Dr Iworiso’s research output could be considered as world leading or internationally excellent, with strong impact to research excellence framework (REF) and beyond academics. He is happy to collaborate with colleagues in industries and academia across the globe, and to embark on knowledge exchange or transfer partnership and commercialisation.

Dr Iworiso is an editorial board member for two (2) international journals, namely:  [1] American Journal of Applied Mathematics and Statistics, and [2] International Journal of Econometrics and Financial Management.

Dr Iworiso is the Lead Supervisor of a PhD Student in Mathematics and Statistics at London Metropolitan University. Over these years, he has supervised a couple of MSc dissertations in Statistics, Data Analytics, and Actuarial Science to completion. He is currently accepting PhD applications for supervision, in relevant disciplines with programming experience or expertise in the use of sophisticated statistical and data analysis software (R, RStudio, Python). Should you have any questions or concerns regarding PhD application or seeking potential collaboration, please feel free to contact him by email j.iworiso@londonmet.ac.uk or telephone +44 (0) 2071334554.

a drawing of Galileo's portrait, a telescope and what looks like Galileo's writing and drawings

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