6 October 2021
This seminar will present some of the main ideas found in Professor Floya Anthias's recent book, Translocational Belongings: Intersectional Dilemmas and Social Inequalities (Routledge, 2020)
The book is concerned with borders and boundaries in social life related to difference and belonging. In the process it engages particularly with central axes of inequality and particularly fixities and fluidities of race, gender and class. These are treated as modes of addressing modern day capitalism’s crises of governmentality and economy, and therefore as lying at the heart of the economic, the political and the social, taking forms which are organisational, discursive, intersubjective and experiential.
In this seminar, Professor Floya Anthias will draw out some of the main ways in which this approach allows us to further a more nuanced intersectional approach and to recalibrate our understanding of social inequality leading to new ways of theorising social stratification and social hierarchy. She will discuss racialisations and sexisms and new forms of border and boundary making in migration and beyond.
Professor Floya Anthias, FAcSS, is an anti-racist and socialist feminist academic whose work has been concerned with different forms of oppression and power relations and their intersections. She has written extensively on issues of race and racism, nationalism and migration, as well as gender and class. Having held professorships at a number of UK Universities, she is Emeritus Professor of Sociology and Social Justice at the University of Roehampton. Floya was born in Cyprus and migrated as a small child with her parents to Britain. Her most recent book is Translocational Belongings: Intersectional Dilemmas and Social Inequalities (Routledge, 2020).
Professor Louise Ryan, Director of the Global Diversities and Inequalities Research Centre.

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