Evolving models of workforce organisation in primary care: What do we know?

The Centre for Primary Health & Social Care at London Metropolitan University organised a seminar titled: Evolving models of workforce organisation in primary care: What do we know?

The speakers included Sarah Voss, Professor of Emergency Care; Nicola Walsh, Professor of Knowledge Mobilisation and Musculoskeletal Health; and Dr Nicky Harris, Research Fellow (Realist Evaluation). Dr Nicky Harris passed away on November 3rd, 2023; Dr Bethan Jones, Research Fellow (Qualitative Research) from the University of the West of England- Bristol.

General Practitioner (GP) services have been under increasing pressure with growing demand with a shortfall in GPs. General practices have been turning to other staff to address shortages. The Additional Roles Reimbursement Scheme (ARRS) was introduced with the expectation that it would significantly impact on primary care delivery, expedite patient access and help to mitigate the impact of rising demand, as well as provide an advanced career pathway for non-GP practitioners.

This seminar covered research in the following areas:

• Paramedics working in general practice: evaluation of the clinical and cost-effectiveness

• First contact physiotherapy in primary care: effectiveness and costs

• Local evaluation of system-wide challenges to implementing and sustaining Advanced Practitioner Additional Roles in primary care

GP shortages have been exacerbated by staff moving away from primary care to other services. The seminar touched on research about a workforce initiative to improve access to emergency care: The clinical and cost-effectiveness of GPs working in or alongside Emergency Departments.

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