Dr Naveed Kazmi is a senior lecturer in Education and course leader for Education MA at the School of Social Sciences and Professions.

Dr Naveed Kazmi
Dr. Naveed Kazmi has a PhD in education and works as a Senior Lecturer in Education at the London Metropolitan University. He has extensive experience of working at various levels in education in the UK and overseas. He currently teaches on a range of modules on the BA and MA in education alongside supervising PhD students. Teaching research methods on undergraduate and postgraduate education studies degrees is his special interest. His other areas of academic interest include curriculum theory and special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). Naveed is currently also a school governor.
Dr. Naveed Kazmi leads the modules Researching Education and Education Studies Dissertation on the BA in Education. He is also the module leader for Curriculum, Pedagogy, and Assessment on the MA in Education.
Naveed's researches interests include curriculum development and special educational needs and disability.
Perez-del-Aguila, R, Allison, H., & Kazmi, N. (2023) 'No choice' but remote learning: non-traditional students making sense of social research methods, Nind, M. (ed.) Handbook of Teaching and Learning Social Research Methods, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.
Kazmi, N. (2022) Developing Novice Researchers: Reimagining the Dissertation Module on BA Education Studies, Investigations, volume 13, [online]
Naveed is a school governor.