Orion is a Senior Lecturer in the Health and Social Care BSc (Hons) at the School of Social Sciences and Professions.

Orion Griffiths
Orion joined the University in 2018 as a Lecturer in Health and Social Care. He comes from a voluntary sector background, and is experienced in providing care and support to vulnerable communities in London. Orion completed his MSc in Health and Social Care Management and Policy in 2017.
Orion teaches a range of topics on the undergraduate Health and Social Care programme, including health policy, health promotion, urban health and research methods. He is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.
Orion's research interests include privatisation in the social care sector, health inequalities, and health education and development.
Abegglen, S, Burns, T, Griffiths, O, Myhre, M, and Sinfield, S. (2022). Partnership Working: Opening Doors—Crossing Thresholds. International Journal for Students As Partners, 6(1), 153–159.
Burns, T., Griffiths, O., Sinfield, S. and Myhre, M. (2017) 'Picture this: engaging students – improving outcomes', Journal of Educational Innovation, Partnership and Change, 5 (1) pp. 162-171
Griffiths, Orion (2022) Evaluating a Health and Social Care communication module: engaging students through critical and emancipatory pedagogy. Investigations in university teaching and learning, 13. ISSN 1740-5106
Orion Griffiths,
Senior Lecturer in Health and Social Care
School of Social Sciences and Professions