PhD Seminar with The Cass

Reflective Scepticism - Critical Presentation of Research: PhD Seminar with The Cass, London & Hasselt University

The seminar is a return visit by Hasselt University (Faculty of Architecture & Art), following a visit to Hasselt in September 2017 by Simone ten Hompel and Sandra Denicke-Polcher.

The event is open to all PhD students from Art, Architecture & Design and a limited number to the general public, if interested to attend, please email All PhD students are strongly encouraged to participate and use the “Research Training” for the Annual Progress Review.

We have invited two speakers:

Keynote speaker Dr Marsha Bradfield on “Tacit & Friends: The Sensuous Knowledge of Practice-based Research (in Cultural Production)” and Senior Lecturer at The Cass Dr Nabil Ahmed on “Inter-Pacific Ring Tribunal: Spatial practice and the law“.

The afternoon will be followed by presentations of PhD students of Art, Architecture and Design from both universities. We are expecting a student lead critique and lively debate amongst the different disciplines who are participating.

PhD Seminar with The Cass, London & Hasselt University

News details

Date Thursday, 25 May 2017
Location Central House, Room CE1-19
Follow The Cass Twitter: @thecassart
Instagram: @thecass