Two London Met translation experts have released new academic work which investigates how to better embed gender equality into translation studies and translator training programmes.
Date: 1 May 2019
Dr Piero Toto and Dr Marcella De Marco, senior lecturers on the Translation BA and Translation MA courses at London Metropolitan University, have co-edited Gender Approaches in the Translation Classroom, an academic volume to dissect the gender challenges faced in the Translation classroom.
Drawing on a rich collection of theoretically-informed case studies, the authors provide practical advice and examples on implementing gender-inclusive approaches and language strategies in the classroom.
“It is in the classroom that translation trainers must sow the seed of change by guiding students to critiquing inequality and sexism in source texts and by encouraging them to see language as a vessel for that change,” commented Dr Toto and Dr De Marco.
“This should be done by devising a methodology which allows students to work with a variety of texts embedding a number of challenges, so as to trigger a reaction in them and to urge them to take a stance to actively and reflectively act upon those triggers and channel them towards gender-positive and queer-positive productions of meaning.”
Published by Palgrave Macmillan, Gender Approaches in the Translation Classroom focuses on topics including, how to develop gender-inclusive practices to challenge students’ attitudes and behaviours; whether there are institutional constraints that prevent trainers from implementing non-heteronormative practices in their teaching; and how gender awareness can become an everyday mode of expression.