Marcella De Marco
Marcella holds a PhD in Translation from the University of Vic (Spain) and a degree in Foreign Languages and Literatures from the University of Bari (Italy). She is a Senior Lecturer in Languages (Translation) at London Metropolitan University and also works as an Associate Lecturer at The Open University. Apart from translation, she has taught languages (Spanish and Italian) and has experience as a freelance translator.
Marcella's main research interests are related to Audiovisual Translation (AVT) and Gender Studies (GS) which a focus on the contribution that dubbing and subtitling can make in strengthening or weakening the perpetuation of gender stereotypes.
Marcella is also interested in translators' training and gender mainstreaming in (higher) education on which she has a number of publications, and in foreign language learning. She is affiliated with numerous national and international research centres, namely Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies on Gender (CEIG), University of Vic (Spain), Centre for Research in Translation and Transcultural Studies (University of Roehampton, London) and Hispanic Research Centre (HRC), (University of Roehampton).
Marcella teaches and supervises students in the following modules:
- Proofreading Skills
- The Translator and Language
- Translating Text and Culture 1 and 2
- The Translator and Specialisation
- Translation Project
- Translation Dissertation
- Subtitling
- The Translator and The Specialised Text
- Translating for International Organisations
- Independent Translation Project
- Independent Research Project
Authored books
- De Marco, Marcella (2012) Audiovisual Translation through a Gender Lens. Amsterdam & New York: Rodopi
Edited books
- De Marco, Marcella and Toto, Piero (eds.) (2019) Gender Approaches in the Translation Classroom: Training the Doers. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan
Articles in journals
- De Marco, Marcella (2016) ‘The “engendering” approach in AVT’. Target: International Journal of Translation Studies. Special Issue: Audiovisual Translation. Theoretical and Methodological Challenges, 28 (2), 314-325
- Corrius, Montse; De Marco, Marcella and Espasa, Eva (2016) ‘Situated Learning and Situated Knowledge: Gender and Translating Audiovisual Adverts’. The Interpreter and Translator Trainer, 10 (1), 59-75
- Corrius, Montse; De Marco, Marcella and Espasa, Eva (2016) ‘Gender and the Translation of Non-profit Advertising’. Revista de Lenguas para Fines Específicos, 22 (2), 31-61
- De Marco, Marcella (2014-2015) ‘Bridging the gap between Gender (Studies) and (Audiovisual) Translation’. In Chaume, F. and Richart, M. (eds.) Special volume of Prosopopeya: Revista de crítica contemporánea: Traducción, ideología y poder en la ficción audiovisual, 9, 99-109
- De Marco, Marcella (2006) ‘Audiovisual translation from a gender perspective’. The Journal of Specialised Translation, 6, 167-184
- De Marco, Marcella (2004) ‘Tecnicismos y cultismos en el “Lapidario” de Alfonso X el Sabio’. Hesperia. Anuario de Filología Hispánica, VII, 37-56
Chapters in books
- Corrius, Montse; De Marco, Marcella and Espasa, Eva (forthcoming 2017) ‘Balancing gender awareness and professional priorities in advertising and audiovisual translation: an overview’. In Santaemilia, J. (ed.) (2017) Traducir para la igualdad sexual / Translating for Sexual Equality. Granada: Comares.
- De Marco, Marcella (2011) ‘Bringing gender into the subtitling classroom’. In Incalcaterra McLoughlin, L; Biscio, M. and Ní Mhainnín, M. Á. (eds.) Audiovisual Translation: Subtitles and Subtitling – Theory and Foreign Language Practice. New York, Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Frankfurt am Main, Oxford, Wien: Peter Lang, 139-155
- De Marco, Marcella (2009) ‘Gender portrayal in dubbed and subtitled comedies’. In Díaz Cintas, J. (ed.) New Trends in Audiovisual Translation. Bristol, Buffalo & Toronto: Multilingual Matters, 176-194
Book reviews
- Synthesis 4 (2012): Translation and Authenticity in a Global Setting, 194-197 antaemilia, J. and von Flotow, L. (eds.) (2011) Woman and Translation: Geographies, Voices and Identities. MonTI
- Journal of Gender Studies (December 2012, Vol. 21 (4)), 417-432 Federici, E. (ed) (2011) Translating Gender. Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Frankfurt am Main, New York, Oxford, Wien: Peter Lang
Dr Marcella De Marco
Senior Lecturer in Languages (Translation)