PhD Proposal Writing Workshop for Business and Management

The Guildhall School of Business and Law is pleased to invite all propective doctoral students to a new two-day online PhD Proposal Writing workshop. The workshop is taking place from 9am - 4.30pm (UK Time) on the 29 and 30 March 2023.

This workshop is suitable for everybody preparing to apply for a PhD programme in Business and Management and will help you to write a high quality PhD research proposal.

We will cover the following programme:

Day TimeSession
Day 1 9.00am - 10.30am  Session 1: Applying for a PhD (choices, benefits and criteria) 
11.00am - 12.30pm Session 2: Scoping a PhD project (Aims, Objectives, Justification and Context Setting) 
1.00pm - 2.30pm  Session 3: Literature Review and Conceptual Framework writing 
3.00pm - 4.30pm  Session 4: Research Philosophy and Research Design 
Day 2 9.00am - 10.30am  Session 5: Sampling, Quantitative Data collection and analysis 
11.00am - 12.30pm  Session 6: Qualitative Data collection and analysis 
1.00pm - 2.30pm  Session 7: Research Ethics 
3.00pm - 4.30pm   Session 8: Reflections, Feedback, Next steps 

To book your space, visit our eShop pages.

If you will be accepted on the course, the workshop fee will be waived.

a group of students sitting around the table working on the coursework
Date 29 - 30 March 2023
Time 9.00am - 4.30pm
Price £250 (free for London Met staff and collaborative partners, fee deductible for students who will be accepted on the course)
How to book Book via eShop

For more details about this workshop, please get in touch with Professor Doris Schedlitzki.