Reports and papers by the Child and Woman Abuse Studies Unit:
- Literature Review: The Links Between Radicalisation and Violence Against Women, 2021. The literature review provides a focus on religious supremacism and fundamentalism on the one hand and racial or white supremacism, on the other. It explores what we know about the links between these formations and VAWG through five crosscutting themes: purity and imperialism; intimate partner and family violence; sexual violence; anti-feminism; and masculinity.
- Extremism and VAWG Roundtable: A Summary, 2021. The round table report presents findings from discussions with the violence against women and girls sector on how extremism and radicalisation featured in their work, and their responses on what should or could be the role of the VAWG sector in challenging racial and religious supremacism.
- Experiences of Intervention Against Violence An Anthology of Stories. Stories in four languages from England & Wales, Germany, Portugal and Slovenia, 2019. The stories in the above anthology emerged from interviews with women and young people about their experience of intervention when they were escaping a situation of abuse, neglect and/or sexual exploitation. They come from the research project Cultural Encounters in Intervention Against Violence (CEINAV) in four countries – England and Wales.
- Interventions against Child Abuse and Violence against Women: Ethics and Culture in Practice and Policy, 2019
- Responses to Violence Encounter Complex Intersections of Power Relations, Rights, Culture and Ethics. This book offers perspectives from a four-country study of interventions on domestic violence, trafficking for sexual exploitation, physical child abuse and neglect.
- Young People’s Attitudes Towards Violence, Sex and Relationships: A Survey and Focus Group Study, 2019 – A survey and focus group study on young people’s attitudes towards violence, sex and relationships.
- Bystanders Project: Final Comparative Paper, 2019. The Comparative Paper of the implementation and evaluation of the Speak Up/Out schools programme in four countries – England, Malta, Portugal and Slovenia.

Book cover image: Interventions Against Child Abuse and Violence Against Women - Ethics and Culture in Practice and Policy. Carol Hagemann-White, Liz Kelly and Thomas Meysen (eds)
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