
Alasdair MacIntyre, "Catholic Rather than What?", Villanova University, 27 September, 2012 (preceded by no less than 45 mins of introductions, the third of which, at least, is worth hearing).

Alasdair MacIntyre, "Philosophical Education Against Contemporary Culture", Duquesne University, 18 November, 2010.

Alasdair MacIntyre, "Intolerance, Censorship, and Other Requirements of Rationality", London Metropolitan University, 28 October 2010.

Alasdair MacIntyre, "Ends and Endings", Catholic University of America, 25 September 2009.

Alasdair MacIntyre, "On Having Survived the Academic Moral Philosophy of the Twentieth Century", University College Dublin, 7 March 2009.

Alasdair MacIntyre, "Newman's Idea of a University", Las Casas Institute, Oxford, 9 June 2009.

Alasdair MacIntyre et al., colloquium on God, Philosophy, Universities, Notre Dame Center for Ethics and Culture, 22 April 2010.

Alex Bavister-Gould, on MacIntyre on traditions, London Met, 28 October 2009.

Amartya Sen, interviewed by Harry Kreisler on his intellectual biography and on economic development and the capabilities approach, 4 March 2005.

Charles Taylor, "Can Human Action Be Explained?", Columbia University, 10 November 2009.

Charles Taylor, "The Future of the Secular", The New School, 5 March 2009.

Christine Korsgaard, "The Natural History of the Good (The Pufendorf Lectures)", Lund University, 28-31 May 2013.

Enrico Berti, interviewed (in Italian) by Giovanni Ventimiglia on the difference between Aristotelian metaphysics and analytic philosophy.

Francisco de Vitoria, lectures on (in Spanish), Universidad Francisco Marroquín, Guatemala.

Fred D. Miller, Jr., "Aristotle and Liberty", University of Waterloo, 2007.

Hans-Georg Gadamer, interviewed (in German) by Rüdiger Safranski on "the art of understanding"; part two.

John McDowell, "Intention in Action", 2006 Howison Lecture, University of California, Berkeley.

Martha Nussbaum, on gender and sexuality law, Columbia Law School, 13 February 2009.

Martha Nussbaum, "Compassion: Human and Animal" (with response by Frans de Waal), Duke University, 8 November 2007.

Martha Nussbaum, interviewed by Harry Kreisler on her intellectual biography, development of the capabilities approach, and recent work, 14 September 2006.

Martha Nussbaum, "Equal Liberty of Conscience: Roger Williams and the Roots of a Constitutional Tradition", University of California, Berkeley, 13 September 2006.

Martha Nussbaum, on Aristotle, interviewed by Bryan Magee, 1987.

Greg Sadler, on Nicomachean Ethics Book 1, YouTube, with links to some of Greg's other undergraduate lectures.

Michael Sandel's "Justice" website, including videos of his 2009 u.g. Harvard course.

Michael Sandel's Harvard lectures on "Affirmative Action and Purpose" and "The Good Citizen and the Freedom to Choose".

Michael Sandel's 2009 Reith Lectures.

Michael Sandel, "Justice: A Journey in Moral Reasoning" (about same sex marriage), Aspen Institute, 4 July 2008.

Ralph McInerny, on Aquinas on Aristotle.

Steven B. Smith's introductory (theoretical), second (on forms of regime) and third (on republicanism) Harvard lectures on Aristotle's Politics.

William McNeill, Tracing Techne: Heidegger, Aristotle, and the Legacy of Philosophy, Catholic University of America, 30 September 2011 (and other videos on Heidegger).