The critique of modern moral philosophy
Anscombe, G.E.M., "Modern Moral Philosophy", Philosophy 33, 1-19, 1958 (reprinted in Anscombe,Collected Philosophical Papers, vol. 3: Ethics, Religion and Politics, Oxford UP / University of Minnesota Press, 1981; in Anscombe, eds. Mary Geach & Luke Gormally, Human Life, Action and Ethics: Essays by G.E.M. Anscombe, Imprint Academic, 2005; in Roger Crisp & Michael Slote eds.,Virtue Ethics, Oxford UP, 1997; trans. into German in Günther Grewendorf & Georg Meggle eds.,Seminar: Sprache und Ethik, Suhrkamp, 1974).
G.E.M. Anscombe bibliography webpage.
Crisp, Roger, "Does Modern Moral Philosophy Rest on a Mistake", in Anthony O’Hear, Modern Moral Philosophy (Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 54), Cambridge UP, 2004.
Diamond, Cora, "Losing Your Concepts", Ethics 98:2, 255-77, 1988.
Garcia, J.L.A., "Modern(ist) Moral Philosophy and MacIntyrean Critique", in Mark C. Murphy ed.,Alasdair MacIntyre, Cambridge UP, 2003.
Graham, Gordon, "MacIntyre on History and Philosophy", in Mark C. Murphy ed., Alasdair MacIntyre, Cambridge UP, 2003.
MacIntyre, Alasdair, "What Morality is Not", Philosophy 32, 325-35, 1957 (reprinted in G. Wallace & A.D.M. Walker eds., The Definition of Morality, Methuen, 1970, and in MacIntyre, Against the Self-Images of the Age).
MacIntyre, Alasdair, "How Moral Agents Became Ghosts, Or Why the History of Ethics Diverged from that of the Philosophy of Mind", Synthese 53, 295-312, 1982.
MacIntyre, Alasdair, "Does Applied Ethics Rest on a Mistake?", The Monist 67:4, 498-513, 1984.
MacIntyre, Alasdair, "Practical Rationalities as Forms of Social Structure", Irish Journal of Philosophy 4, 3-19, 1987 (reprinted in Kelvin Knight ed., The MacIntyre Reader, Polity Press / University of Notre Dame Press, 1998).
MacIntyre, Alasdair, "The Privatization of Good: An Inaugural Lecture", Review of Politics 52, 344-61, 1990 (reprinted in C. F. Delaney ed., The Liberalism-Communitarianism Debate: Liberty and Community Values, Rowman & Littlefield, 1-17, 1994).
MacIntyre, Alasdair, Moral Philosophy and Contemporary Social Practice: What Holds Them Apart?, Arbejdspapir 113, Center for Cultural Research, University of Åarhus, 1992 (reprinted in Alasdair MacIntyre, Selected Essays vol. 1: The Tasks of Philosophy).
MacIntyre, Alasdair, "Truthfulness, Lies, and Moral Philosophers: What Can We Learn from Mill and Kant?", in Grethe B. Peterson ed., The Tanner Lectures on Human Values vol. 16, University of Utah Press, 1995, 307-61 (reprinted in Alasdair MacIntyre, Selected Essays vol. 2: Ethics and Politics).
MacIntyre, Alasdair, "Social Structures and their Threats to Moral Agency", Philosophy 74, 311-29, 1999 (reprinted in Alasdair MacIntyre, Selected Essays vol. 2: Ethics and Politics).
MacIntyre, Alasdair, "Some Enlightenment Projects Reconsidered" in R. Kearney & M. Dooley eds.,Questioning Ethics: Contemporary Debates in Philosophy, Routledge, 1999 (reprinted in Alasdair MacIntyre, Selected Essays vol. 2: Ethics and Politics).
MacIntyre, Alasdair, After Virtue: A Study in Moral Theory, University of Notre Dame Press / Duckworth, 2007 (3rd edn.).
MacIntyre, Alasdair, "What More Needs to Be Said? A Beginning, Although Only a Beginning, at Saying It", in Kelvin Knight & Paul Blackledge eds., Revolutionary Aristotelianism: Ethics, Resistance and Utopia, Lucius & Lucius, 2008.
Morgan, Seiriol, "Moral Philosophy, Moral Identity and Moral Cacophony: On MacIntyre on the Modern Self", in Kelvin Knight & Paul Blackledge eds., Revolutionary Aristotelianism: Ethics, Resistance and Utopia, Lucius & Lucius, 2008.
Pendlebury, Gary, Action and Ethics in Aristotle and Hegel: Escaping the Malign Influence of Kant, Ashgate, 2006.
Pocock, J.G.A., "Virtues, Rights, and Manners: A Model for Historians of Political Thought", Political Theory 9:3, 353-68, 1981 (reprinted in Pocock, Virtue, Commerce, and History: Essays on Political Thought and History, Chiefly in the Eighteenth Century, Cambridge UP, 1985).
Pinkard, Terry, "MacIntyre's Critique of Modernity", in Mark C. Murphy ed., Alasdair MacIntyre, Cambridge UP, 2003.
Porter, Jean, "Tradition in the Recent Work of Alasdair MacIntyre", in Mark C. Murphy ed., Alasdair MacIntyre, Cambridge UP, 2003.
Richter, Duncan, Ethics After Anscombe: Post ‘Modern Moral Philosophy’, Kluwer, 2000.
Taylor, Charles, "Justice after Virtue", in Michael Benedikt & Rudolf Burger eds., Kritische Methode und Zukunft der Anthropologie, Wilhelm Braunmiller, 1985 (reprinted in John Horton & Susan Mendus eds., After MacIntyre: Critical Perspectives on the Work of Alasdair MacIntyre, Polity Press, 1994.
Turner, Stephen P., "MacIntyre in the Province of the Philosophy of the Social Sciences", in Mark C. Murphy ed., Alasdair MacIntyre, Cambridge UP, 2003.
Vogler, Candace, "Modern Moral Philosophy Again: Isolating the Promulgation Problem", Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 106:3, 345-62, 2006.