Paper publications in international refereed journals and conferences.

Djallel Hamouda, Mohamed Amine Ferrag,... MC Ghanem. (2024). Revolutionizing intrusion detection in industrial IoT with distributed learning and deep generative techniques, Internet of Things, Volume 26,101149, ISSN 2542-6605. IF 5.9
M Dey, SP Rana, High-resolution electrical measurement data processing, US20240019468A1, 2024-01-18.
Patel, P., (2024), Synthetic Data, Business Information Review, Vol 41 (2)
- Dunsin, D., Ghanem, M.C., Ouazzane, K., Vassilev, V.T., (2024), A comprehensive analysis of the role of artificial intelligence and machine learning in modern digital forensics and incident response, Forensic Science International Digital Investigation, DOI: 10.1016/j.fsidi.2023.301675
- Nya Yanga, O.K., Homayounvala, E., (2024), 'Breast Cancer Prediction and Detection: Comparison of the Latest Machine Learning Techniques', International Conference on Innovative Computing and Communication (ICICC 2024)
- Patel, P., Shooshtarian, S., (July 2024 )The Role of Chatbots for Data Analytics: An Evaluation of Functional Abilities, to be presented at the Computing Conference
- Ndukwe, C., Homayounvala, E., Kazemian, H., Araujo, I., (2024), 'Comparative Analysis of Malware Detection Response Times Across Android Versions: An Emphasis on the "Hoverwatch" Application', International Conference on Innovative Computing and Communication (ICICC 2024)
M. Dey, D. Wickramarachchi, S. P. Rana, C. V. Simmons and S. Dudley, "Power Grid Frequency Forecasting from μPMU Data using Hybrid Vector-Output LSTM network," 2023 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe (ISGT EUROPE), Grenoble, France, 2023, pp. 1-5.
MC Ghanem, TM Chen, EG Nepomuceno. (2023). Hierarchical reinforcement learning for efficient and effective automated penetration testing of large networks. Journal of Intelligent Information Systems, pages 1-23. Special Issue: AI Meets Cybersecurity IF 3.4.
MC Ghanem, TM Chen, ME Kettouche, EG Nepomuceno. (2023). A Framework for Expertise Extraction, Generalization and Reply for an Optimized Automation of Network Security Compliance. IEEE Access. IF 3.9.
D. Dunsin, MC. Ghanem, K. Ouazzane, and V. Vassilev. (2023). A comprehensive analysis of the role of artificial intelligence and machine learning in modern digital forensics and incident response. Forensic Science International: Digital Investigation. IF 2.0
Kazemian, H., Shrestha, S., (2023), Comparisons of Machine Learning Techniques for Detecting Fraudulent criminal identities, Expert Systems with Applications, Vol 229, Part A
Shrestha S., Fernando S., Patel P., Pun M., (2023), “Employability of University Leavers Using a Descriptive Analytics Case Study,” International Journal of Learning and Teaching (IJLT), 9(3): 175-185, DOI: 10.18178/ijlt.9.3.175-185.
Fernando S., Sowinski-Mydlarz, Katanani A., (2023), “Cloud Spark Cluster to analyse English Prescription Big Data for NHS Intelligence,” Springer (ICDAM), London. DOI: 10.1007/978-981-99-6544-1.
Hassan, B., Fiaz, M., Sherazi, H. H. R., & Butt, U. J. (2023). Annotated pedestrians: A dataset for soft biometrics estimation for varying distances. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing.
Hassan, B., Sherazi, H. H. R., Ali, M., & Bashir, A. K. (2023). A multi-channel soft biometrics framework for seamless border crossings. EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, 2023(1), 65.
Chrysikos, Alexandros and Bamford, Neal (2023) Retention in second year computing students in a London-based university during the post-Covid-19 era using learned optimism as a lens: a statistical analysis in R. Proceedings of Data Analytics and Management (ICDAM 2023).
Chrysikos, A., Ravi, I., Stasinopoulos, D., Rigby, R., Catterall, S. (2023). Retention of Computing Students in a London-Based University During the Covid-19 Pandemic Using Learned Optimism as a Lens: A Statistical Analysis in R. In: Arai, K. (eds) Intelligent Computing. SAI 2023. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 711. Springer, Cham.
M. Pirvulescu and S. Al-Sudani, "The Java Starter: an Ontology-Based Tutoring System for Java Beginners," 2023 16th International Conference on Developments in eSystems Engineering (DeSE), Istanbul, Turkiye, 2023, pp. 806-811, doi: 10.1109/DeSE60595.2023.10469264.
Geangu, E., Smith, W. A.,... Mona Ragab Sayed Abdelgayed et al. (2023). EgoActive: integrated wireless wearable sensors for capturing infant egocentric auditory–visual statistics and autonomic nervous system function ‘in the wild’. Sensors, 23(18), 7930.
V. Vassilev, V. Sowinski-Mydlarz, P. Gasiorowski, S. Radu, et al., (2023), "Building A Big Data Platform using Software without License Costs", In: L. Castro (ed.), Open Source Horizons - Challenges and Opportunities for Collaboration and Innovation, London: IntechOpen (2023).
- Almada, A., Yu, Q., and Patel, P., (2023) NLP K-means algorithm incorporated into a proactive chatbot to assist failing student, International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Machine Learning, 14-16
- V. Vassilev, B. Virdee, K. Ouazzane, et al., (2023), “Data Platform and Urban Data Services on Private Cloud”, In: In: Senjyu, T., So-In, C., Joshi, A. (eds.), Smart Trends in Computing and Communications (SmartCom), Springer Lecture Notices in Networks and Systems, Vol. 650, pp. 263-275.
- Yu, Q., Healy, S., Ravi, I., Patel, P., (2022), Data Ingestion Pipeline and Data Marts to Empower UK Researchers, Academics, and Business and Economic Decision Makers, Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, Volume 438, Chapter 13, Springer
- V. Vassilev, D. Donchev and D. Tonchev, (2022) “Risk Assessment in Transactions under Threat as a Partially Observable Markov Decision Process”, In: L. Amorosi, P. Dell’Olmo, and I. Lari (eds.), Optimization in Artificial Intelligence and Decision Sciences, Springer AIRO, Vol. 8 (2022), pp. 199-212.
- Mohammad Mehdi Naseri, Shima Tabibian, Elaheh Homayounvala, Adaptive and personalized user behavior modeling in complex event processing platforms for remote health monitoring systems, Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, Volume 134, ISSN 0933-3657,
- Nazari, F., Tabibian, S. & Homayounvala, E. Multimodal user interaction with in-car equipment in real conditions based on touch and speech modes in the Persian language. Multimed Tools Appl,
- Rodrigo Ruiz, Rogério Winter, Dr. Ferrucio de Franco Rosa, Pancham Shukla, Hassan Kazemian, Brazil Method of Anti-malware Evaluation and Cyber Defence Impacts, Journal of Applied Security Research, DOI: 10.1080/19361610.2022.2104104, ISSN: 1936-1629, 2 August 2022 online.
- Hassan Kazemian, Machine Learning Approach to Detect Malicious Mobile Apps, 18th Artificial Intelligence Innovations and Applications conference (AIAI 2022), and 23rd Engineering Applications of Neural Networks (EANN 2022) conference, pp. 124–135, Crete, Greece, 17 – 20 June 2022.
- Hassan Kazemian, Mohammad-Hossein Amirhosseini and Michael Phillips, Application of Graph-Based Technique to Identity Resolution, 18th Artificial Intelligence Innovations and Applications conference (AIAI 2022), and 23rd Engineering Applications of Neural Networks (EANN 2022) conference, pp. 471–482, Crete, Greece, 17 – 20 June 2022.
- F. Nazari, S. Tabibian, E. Homayounvala, “Multimodal User Interaction with in-Car Equipment in Real Conditions Based on Touch and Speech Modes in Persian Language'', accepted for publication in Multimedia Tools and Applications, September 2022.
- Y Ma and H Kazemian, Public Key Authenticated Encryption with Multiple Keywords Search using Mamdani System, manuscript number EVOS-D-20-00194R2, DOI: 10.1007/s12530-021-09387-0, Evolving Systems Journal, Springer Nature, Accepted for publications on 27 May 21.
- A Nawaz and H Kazemian, A Fuzzy Approach to Identity Resolution, 22nd International Conference on Engineering Applications of Neural Networks (EANN) / 17th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations (AIAI), DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-80568-5_26, pp 307-318, 25 - 27 June 2021.
- N Ruiz, P Shukla, H Kazemian, Cyber Security Index for Undergraduate Computer Science Courses in the UK, Journal of Applied Security Research, Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, DOI: 10.1080/19361610.2020.1798173. VOL. 16, NO. 4, pp 456–469, 2021.
- N Ruiz, R Winter, F de Franco Rosa, P Shukla, Hassan Kazemian, Method and Tool for Generating Table of Relevance in Literature Review, ECKM 2021 : 22nd European Conference on Knowledge Management, DOI: 10.34190/EKM.21.199, Proceedings: pp 648 – 656.
- F. Alnassar, T. Blackwell, E. Homayounvala, M. Yee-King, “How well a Student Performed? A Machine Learning Approach to Classify Students’ Performance on Virtual Learning Environment”, 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Engineering and Management (ICIEM), 2021.
- M. M Naseri, S Tabibian, E. Homayounvala, “Intelligent Rule Extraction in Complex Event Processing Platform for Health Monitoring Systems'', International Conference on Engineering and Knowledge (ICCKE), 2021.
- H Kazemian and CM Grimaldi, Cascading classifier application for topology prediction of transmembrane beta-barrel proteins, Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, Vol. 18, No. 6 (2020), 2050034–1 to 2050034–15, World Scientific Publishing Europe Ltd. DOI:10.1142/S0219720020500341, December 2020.
- Y Ma and H Kazemian, A Secure and Efficient Public Key Authenticated Encryption with Multi-keywords Search Scheme against Inside Keyword Guessing Attack, International Journal of Cyber-Security and Digital Forensics (IJCSDF), Vol 9, Issue 2, pp 90-101, July 2020.
- N Ruiz, P Shukla, H Kazemian, Cyber Security Index For Undergraduate Computer Science Courses in the UK, Journal of Applied Security Research, Ref.: Ms. No. WASR-2020-0052, 207464368. Research on 01/08/2020, DOI: 10.1080/19361610.2020.1798173. PP 1-14, 18 August 2020.
- I Araujo and H Kazemian, Improving Steganographic Capacity using Distributed Steganography over BMP, An International Journal of Multimedia Tools and Applications, DOI: 10.1007/s11042-020-09298-3, ISSN 1380-7501, vol 79, pp. 26181-26195, published online on 13 July 2020.
- M Amirhosseini and H Kazemian, Machine Learning Approach to Personality Type Prediction Based on the Myers–Briggs Type Indicator, Multimodal Technologies and Interaction journal, 4(1), 9, DOI:10.3390/mti4010009, 14 March 2020.
- I Araujo and H Kazemian, Vulnerability exploitations using steganography in pdf files, International Journal of Computer Networks and Applications (IJCNA), vol 7, issue 1, pp, 10-18, DOI: 10.22247/ijcna/2020/193270, Jan / Feb 2020.
- M Phillips, M Amirhosseini, H Kazemian, A Rule and Graph-Based Approach for Targeted Identity Resolution on Policing Data, IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence, 1-4 Dec 2020, Canberra, Australia.
- H Kazemian and Y Ma, Fuzzy Logic Application to Searchable Cryptography, 21st International Conference on Engineering Applications of Neural Networks (EANN) / 16 th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations (AIAI) 2020, Greece, 5-7 June 2020.
- N Ruiz, P Shukla, H Kazemian, Privacy in The First Line of the First Code, Science: Vol. 317, Issue 5842, pp. 1178-1179, DOI: 10.1126/science.1143464, 17 April 2020.
- Z Sadeghi, E. Homayounvala, M. Borhani, “HCI for Elderly, Measuring Visual Complexity of Web Pages based on Machine Learning '', Digital Image Computing: Techniques and Applications DICTA 2020, Nov 2020.
- I Araujo and H Kazemian (2019), Enhancement of Capacity, Detectability and Distortion of BMP, GIF and JPEG images with Distributed Steganography, I J Computer Network and Information Security, Published online November 2019 in MECS DOI: 10.5815/ijcnis.2019.11.03, 11, 21-27.
- M Amirhosseini and H Kazemian (2019) Automating the process of identifying the preferred representational system in Neuro Linguistic Programming using Natural Language Processing, Cognitive Processing Journal, Vol 20(2), pp. 175-193.
- Y Patel, K Ouazzane, V.Vassilev, J Li (2019) Remote Banking Fraud Detection Framework using Sequence Learners, International journal of Internet Banking and Commerce, April 2019 Vol. 24, no. 1, ISSN: 1204-5357.
- J Turner (2019) Performer/choreographer for Valerie Ross’s new music composition The Cusp of Life at The Centre for Intercultural Musicology at Churchill College’s International Conference on Musical Intersections in Practice (MIP2019), 25-26 October 2019, Cambridge.
- J Turner (2019) Taking Turns with TURNING WORLDS at Ashwell at Home, Baldock Arts Festival and the Posh Clubs in Hastings, Hove, Crawley, May-June 2019.
- H. S. Cheraghchi, A. Zakerolhosseini, S. Bagheri Shouraki, E. Homayounvala, “A Novel Granular Approach for Detecting Dynamic Online Communities in Social Network”, Soft Computing, 23(20), pp. 10339-10360, ISSN 1432-7643, 2019.
- E. Homayounvala, M. Nabati, R. Shahbazian, S.A. Ghorashi, V. Moghtadaiee, “A Novel Smartphone Application for Indoor Positioning of Users based on Machine Learning'', AppLens Workshop, UbiComp/ISWC’19 Adjunct, London, UK, 9-10 September 2019.
- H Kazemian and CM Grimaldi (2018) Cascading classifier application for topology prediction of TMB proteins, IEEE SSCI 2018, Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence, Bangalore, India, pp 1049 – 1055, 18-21 November 2018.
- Y Ma and H Kazemian (2018) Trapdoor-indistinguishable Public Key Encryption with Multi-Keywords Search, 11th International Conference on Security of Information and Networks (SIN-2018) in Cardiff UK, 10-12 Sep 2018.
- M Amirhosseini, H Kazemian, K Ouazzane, C Chandler (2018) Natural Language Processing approach to NLP Meta model automation, International Joint Conference on Neural Networks 18, World Congress on Computational Intelligence (WCCI), Rio de Janeiro, BRAZIL, pp.186-193, 8-13 July 2018.
- MM Afzal, K Ouazzane, V Vassilev (2018) K-Nearest Neighbours based classifiers for moving object trajectories reconstructions, Visual 2018, Third International Conference on Applications and Systems of Visual Paradigms, pp 7-12, Venice 2018, ISBN: 978-1-61208-647-7
- J Turner (2018) Dancer with Passage for PAR, a large scale performance for 30 women by choreographer Rosemary Lee for the Groundwork Festival, Cornwall, commissioned by CAST, 2018.
- J Turner (2018) TURNING WORLDS presents The CFC Cabaret at First Manoeuvres, the Junction Arts Centre, Cambridge, 14 March 2018.
- J Turner (2018) Dancer with the Big Sexy Show for over 60s Posh Clubs in Hastings, Hackney, Hove, Elephant & Castle, Crawley. Produced by Duckie, supported by a Celebrating Age grant from Arts Council, 2018.
- S. Alavian Ghavanini, E. Homayounvala, A. Rezaeiyan, "Mood-Tracking Application as Persuasive Technology for Reduction of Occupational Stress'', International Journal of Mobile Learning and Organisation, Vol.12, No.2., pp.143-161, April 2018.
- Bodaghi, E. Homayounvala, "Personalization of Interactive Recommender Systems for Expert Users", 4th International Conference on Web research, April 2018.