Before coming to the UK, Ayodele Tolulope Mercy (Tolu) studied French at the University of Lagos, Nigeria. She had always been a dreamer since childhood and coming to the United Kingdom was one of her dreams that finally came true.
What did she choose to study?
Having loved languages since childhood Tolu wanted to take advantage of her language skills and discovered that London Metropolitan University offered exactly the course she wanted to help her to become a translator and was really impressed with the course curriculum.
London Met’s Translation MA programme includes the practical learning of translation techniques, skills and tools as well as a compulsory work placement. She applied for the course, was offered a place and later won a scholarship for a full tuition fee waiver.
How has she changed since studying at London Met?
Tolu feels she has matured as a person. Her experience, character, and mentality have all developed with studying abroad especially in a place like London where you are encouraged to be an independent thinker and an independent person. She says “I have learnt to survive in a dynamic and highly multicultural environment. I knew if I could successfully survive in London, I could live anywhere in the world because this is a place where you have to think on your feet and make decisions.”
What is Tolu's perception of the course?
Studying at the university has really propelled her forwards in terms of her academic achievements. She is proud to have been able to rise to the challenge and within the space of one year complete two semesters of extensive coursework, a work placement, complete a research project and a translation project. She adds “The University provides a very good learning environment for this extensive work, with excellent support from academic and non-academic staff. It’s just a matter of using the facilities effectively. The academic year that I am spending in London is challenging, but I believe this will be a fulfilling experience.”
Tolu has enjoyed the technical aspects of her course the most where they made use of translation software to translate documents. She also really enjoyed her internship which she continued with even after her official placement period had expired.
“The internship has been a wonderful experience as it has availed me of the opportunity to get a good job on graduation”.
What would she like to do next?
Tolu has made friends from all over the world as her class; other classmates are from Iraq, Lebanon, France, Brazil, Latvia and Russia. After graduation, she wants to work with the United Nations and believes her course has created a good platform for her to pursue this. “We have had so many interactive sessions and seminars with guest speakers in my field, role models, mentors, even staff from the United Nations family which I intend to be a part of. I now have a network of mentors who can help me get my dream job thanks to London Met!”

“My experience here has been so worthwhile. Coming to London Met is a great addition to my CV and being a London Met scholar is a feather added to my cap of achievements. I am truly proud to be London Met!”