What did you particularly enjoy about your course?
The best bit about my course was having the freedom to go and direct my own piece and film it all myself and produce it all myself. I feel like the course put a lot of trust in the students to go accomplish that so it was amazing having the freedom to go do that as well as being supported throughout by the amazing staff.
How did you balance your studies with having a job?
Combining modelling and studying is very hard because the two don't really go hand in hand but London Metropolitan was very flexible with that, so I was able to do both alongside each other so again a really, really great university, they really made me feel very welcome. Joining late is never fun for anyone but it went really well so I'm happy.
What are your plans now that you’ve graduated?
Luckily I've sort of found myself in a job where my course really really helps. The job is marketing whisky and producing content so I'm definitely going to take what I've learned in my degree and push that on, so it's a relief that it's over and I can just pursue my career and see what happens.
What would you say to someone considering studying at London Met?
It's a really good university to study at and whatever you’re studying and whoever you are, you're going to have an amazing time here.

"The best bit about my course was having the freedom to go and direct my own piece and film it all myself and produce it all myself."
Angus tells us how it feels to graduate
We caught up with Angus to find out about his London Met journey