Raffaella Pontonutti

Raffaella lectures on the Sports Therapy BSc (Hons), and also serves as the Sports Injury and Fitness Clinical Coordinator for the School of Human Sciences.

In addition, Raff is the Clinical Lead Therapist for the University's Injury and Rehabilitation Clinic.

Photograph of Raffaella Pontonutti

Raffaella Pontonutti

Raffaella Pontonutti is a Sports Injury and Fitness Clinical Coordinator and lecturer in sports therapy. She holds a BSc (Hons) Sports Therapy; London Metropolitan University and a PGCHE; London Metropolitan University (pending).

Raffaella graduated from London Metropolitan University with a degree in Sports Therapy and initially worked for a private sports injury clinic. Raffaella has since gained extensive experience as a practitioner treating a range of athletes which include a World Champion cage fighter, Cirque du Soleil performer, ultra marathon and barefoot running athletes and an English Premier League Academy player. Raffaella has also provided her services an expert advisor for leading insurers regarding the regarding injuries to top English Premier League and German Bundesliga players including a FIFA World Cup winner. Raffaella began lecturing at London Metropolitan University in 2013 and in 2015 took on the role of Sports Injury and Fitness Clinical coordinator.

Raffaella has been a runner since an early age and enjoys progressive plyometric training and latin dancing.


Research interests

  • Business Development
  • Sports Rehabilitation
  • Clinical Placement
  • Manual Therapy
  • Special Conditions and Populations

Email: r.pontonutti@londonmet.ac.uk

Telephone: +44 (0)20 7133 3614

Room: T12-04, Tower Building