Dr Martin Murray has had significant strategic, operational, planning and practical experience of university leadership, management and administration.
Martin Murray
Dr Martin Murray is the Head of Creative Technologies and Digital Media in the School of Computing and Digital Media.
He holds the following qualifications: DPhil Philosophy, Psychoanalysis and Linguistics (Sussex), MA Critical Theory (Sussex), BA English and American Literature (Essex), Diploma in Management (Chartered Management Institute), MA Learning and Teaching in Higher Education (London Metropolitan University: Distinction), and Senior Fellowship, Higher Education Academy (Pending).
Dr Murray has had significant strategic, operational, planning and practical experience of university leadership, management and administration. He has been Head of two schools and a postgraduate co-ordinator, in which capacities he has developed, led, reviewed and quality-monitored courses and course teams in various media, arts, humanities and social sciences clusters, schools and faculties. His work is student-facing as well as managerial and his key priorities are learning and teaching quality and overall student satisfaction. University-wide work he has undertaken has included leading, managing or participating in reviews and projects in the areas of portfolio development, course quality, accreditation, media management, student and staff mental health, learning technology, resource acquisition, recruitment, retention and research activity, funding and ethics. He has been instrumental in making important links between the university and external partners from both the private and voluntary sectors, especially in the media, arts, and creative industries, in which he has many contacts. External organisations he has worked with include The London Film School, Sadlers Wells Theatre, State University of New York, Tate Modern, The ICA, The Anna Freud Centre, Rowan Arts, The Guardian, Graeae Theatre Company, Lambeth College, City and Islington College, Diverse City Disability Performance Company, Triagon Academy (Germany), the European Union and the United Nations.
Previous roles
- Deputy Head of the School of Media, Culture and Communication
- Postgraduate Co-ordinator, former Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Languages
- Head of Humanities, former Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Languages
- Principal Lecturer and Course Leader, MA Creative Industries
- Senior Lecturer and Course Leader, BA Critical Theory
- Lecturer, Media and Cultural Studies
- Lecturer, English and Philosophy
Teaching, learning and supervision
Dr Murray’s academic activities are interdisciplinary and fall into three main areas: Media, Arts and Humanities. He has taught more than thirty undergraduate and postgraduate modules in these areas and has convened more than twenty. Since he began teaching, he has delivered more than 1000 lectures, although he now tends to prefer practice-based and student-centred learning that is peer-assisted and makes use of multiple assessment formats, digital facilities and work-based learning environments. Student assessment of his teaching averages 80-100% satisfaction rate in all categories (lecturing, teaching, support, feedback, resources). Dr Murray has supervised three PhDs to completion and is currently supervising three more. He has been an external examiner at the Universities of Sussex and Leeds.
Dr Murray's research interests and outputs are in the areas of media, cultural studies, creative industries, literature, fine art, philosophy, critical theory and psychoanalysis.
Dr Murray is the author of a book entitled Jacques Lacan: A Critical Introduction (Pluto, 2015). As well as writing for magazines, reviews and blogs, he has published many peer-reviewed articles. A selection of his writings is given below:
- The Imaginary President: Donald Trump’s Narcissism and American TV in American Television during a Television Presidency, ed. Karen McNally (Wayne State University Press, 2022)
- The Psychopolitics of Brexit in Brexit and Literature, ed. Robert Eaglestone (Routledge, 2018)
- David Bowie and the Stream of Warm Impermanence (Postmodern Culture, 2014)
- Nothing Happening: Andy Warhol and the Negative Dialectic of Subversion (European Journal of American Studies, 2005)
- Mrs. Dalloway and the Finite Transcendental in Memory - Remembering – Forgetting ed. Wojciech Kalaga (Peter Lang, 1999)
- Lacan and the Law (Angelaki, 1999)
- Watching The Box With Wittgenstein in Everyday Television: Studies of British Television (Univ. Karlstad, 1996)
Email: m.murray@londonmet.ac.uk