Joanne is a Senior Lecturer in Nursing at the School of Human Sciences.

Joanne Hutchinson PhD, MSc, BSc, Dip HE, V300
Joanne Hutchinson is a Senior Lecturer in Nursing who has recently joined London Met. She migrated to the UK in 1991 and started her Nurse training later that year. After qualifying as a Nurse, she worked on a Gynaecology ward but later embarked upon doing her midwifery training and once qualified, she practiced as a Staff Midwife, Senior Diabetes Midwife Specialist and Senior Research Nurse/ Midwife. While working as a Senior Researcher, she enrolled with London Met and started and completed her PhD in 2021 which explored the pregnancy outcomes of women with Type 2 and gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) with specific focus on client engagement with health professionals, diagnosis of GDM and supplementation with omega 3 fatty acids. She is a qualified Nurse/ Midwife and independent and supplementary prescriber. Joanne has had experience being a NICE Committee Member for Diabetes Guideline Update and Barts ECMC Patient and Public Engagement Group member.
Introduction to Adult Nursing in Primary, Community and Social Care & Practice Part 1
Min Y, Djahanbakhch O, Hutchinson J, Eram S, Bhullar AS, Namugere I,Ghebremeskel K (2016) Efficacy of docosahexaenoic acid-enriched formula to enhance maternal and foetal blood docosahexaenoic acid levels: Randomized double-blinded placebo-controlled trial of pregnant women with gestational diabetes mellitus. Clin Nutr 35(3):608-614.
Min Y, Bhullar A, Hutchinson J, Namugere I, Djahanbakhch O and Ghebremeskel K (2016) Platelet fatty acid composition of pregnant women with type 2 diabetes in early gestation. 12th Congress of the International Society for the Study of Fatty Acids and Lipids, Stellenbosch, South Africa (September 5-9).
Min, Y. Djahanbakhch, O. Hutchinson, J. Bhullar, A.S. Raveendran, M. Hallot, A. Eram, S. Namugere, I. Nateghian, S & Ghebremeskel, K (2014) Effects of docosahexaenoic acid-enriched fish oil supplemention in pregnancy with Type 2 diabetes on membrane fatty acids and fetal body composition – double-blinded randomises placebo-controlled trial. Diabetic Medicine 10.1111/dme.12524
Hutchinson, J. (2001) Alteration in Endocrine Function: Caring for the Woman in Obstetric Crisis p101 -122. In Ed.: ‘Clinical Effectiveness in Practice’. Ed. Cox, C. & Reyes-Hughes, A. Palgrave Publishers Ltd. (formerly MacMillan Press Ltd.).