The Rt Hon David Willetts MP says league tables fail to capture "transformational quality" during London Met reception at House of Lords.
Date: 8 July 2014
Lord Bilimoria (left) and the Rt Hon David Willetts MP at the London Met House of Lords reception.
The Government's Universities and Science Minister, the Rt Hon David Willietts MP, has said league tables miss the 'social value' provided by institutions such as London Metropolitan University.
Speaking at a House of Lords reception hosted by London Met, the Minister said much of the ‘added-value’ and social impact of universities is not reflected in league tables, which focus instead on research output and student spend.
League tables fail to capture the “transformational quality” of access universities, he said.
“For the past few weeks we have been closely following the publication of university rankings and league tables,” said the Minister. “But I don’t think these listings tell you the whole truth.
“What they don’t measure is the hard work, talent, professionalism, contacts and ability of the teaching staff at access universities like London Met. They don’t measure the ability of these universities to change lives.
“Many of the students at access universities are the first in their families to enter Higher Education, but league tables do not convey the importance of this. They don’t capture the transformational quality of universities such as London Met, which changes lives every day.”
Cobra Beer founder and London Met alumnus Lord Bilimoria also spoke at the event, held last week in the River Room at the House of Lords.
Lord Bilimoria said: “From my own experience, I know how important it is that universities reach out to students who might not normally enrol in a higher education course.
“I was fortunate to have studied Law at Cambridge and then Accountancy at London Metropolitan University, which has always stood out as an institution that gives an outstanding education to people regardless of their background.”
Lord Bilimoria also welcomed London Met’s incoming Vice Chancellor, Professor John Raftery, who takes up post on 1 August.
“I have no doubt that the new Vice Chancellor will do a fantastic job and that the University will continue to move from strength to strength under his watch.”