TANDEMIZE Invitation to Exhibition

Invitation to exhibition

TANDEMIZE Digging for tradition at Alfies antique market London

Digging for tradition at Alfie's antique market

TANDEMIZE Julia and Adam working on their installation at Azzah Fahmy Design Studio

Julia and Adam working on their installation at Az

TANDEMIZE Close up of Amira and Roxy's amazing installation at Darb

Close up of Amira and Roxy's amazing installation

TANDEMIZE Exhibition

Project supported by The British Council in collaboration with Jewellery and Silversmithing department at The CASS School of Design and the Design Studio Azza Fahmy.

Date: 12 February 2015

The exhibition features "work in progress" by J&S Cass students: Roxanne 
Reynolds, Julia Trandafir, Saskia vander Knoll and DSAF students: Amira Ayad, Adam Youssry, May Wahdan.

Tandemize is an onsite and online creative and cultural exchange and exhibition program spaced over six months running November 2014 – May 2015.

Led by The Cass senior lecturer Mah Rana and DSAF artistic director Estela Saez.

Project team: Heidi Yeo, Ulrich Reithofer and Myriam Makhoul

Twitter: @tandemize
Instagram: @tandemize_

News details

Dates 8 -11 of February 2015
Venue British Council in Cairo