The outcomes from MACC course 2013/14
MACC Successes
1. The MACC show Exotica at Me-Collection Berlin opened last week as one of the highlights of ArtBerlin Week, which is Berlin's main yearly art event with several art fairs, museums and countless galleries opening the new season. The show is being strongly recommended in the German press and TV, interviews appearing also in German and Foreign magazines such as ArtForum etc. A great success, and the Collection want to do another edition next year! The catalogue looks splendid - I gave Andy S. an advance copy, yours is coming in a parcel from Berlin shortly.
2. MACC have launched a new Blog on contemporary curating, with a number of new interviews hot off the press with emerging and established artists.
3. The Zabludowicz Collection, London, is renewing its 'Testing Ground' partnership with MACC for another exhibition; this time the show, opening in January 2015 will be more extensive and last one month, and our first year students will work in partnership with Goldsmith's College Curators. A announcement is due shortly on their website.
4. Second Year MACC students are beginning their collaboration with the Royal College of Psychiatrists from October, culminating in an exhibition in the Spring of 2015 in their new building.
5. A further group of second years will curate a major public project with Whitechapel Gallery, with a permanent series of works, in the City of London; the project will begin in October. Details to be announced.
6. Ed Fornieles is opening a major solo show at Chisenhale this month. MACC student Antonia Staussberg featured his work in her 'ESL' exhibition in the CASS Gallery in 2012.

- Course: MA Curating the Contemporary
- Blog: Curating the Contemporary (CtC)
- Website: Whitechapel Gallery