The GDIRC will bring together researchers from across the University to explore a range of issues relating to diversity and inequality.
Date: 23 September 2020
London Met is delighted to launch its new Global Diversities and Inequalities Research Centre (GDIRC). The GDIRC brings together scholars from across the University, who will explore a range of pertinent topics through the lens of diversity and inequality. Professor Louise Ryan will be its Director, with Dr María E López as Deputy Director.
Launched at a virtual event on 22 September, the GDIRC is a home for interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary scholarship. Its academics work within history, media and film studies, politics, sociology, social policy and social work, as well as across disciplinary boundaries. It is also global in its focus, with scholars working on areas across Asia, North, South and Central America and across Europe, from Ireland to Russia/ the USSR.
Professor Louise Ryan said: “The new centre will be a hub for innovative and cutting-edge research on a range of issues including migration, ethnicity, diasporas, through the lens of diversity and inequality.
“The centre brings together scholars from across the university, as well as our external partners, to examine pressing social issues at various scales from the local, city, region to the wider nation-state and beyond to the international level.
“This new venture signals the renewed importance of research at London Metropolitan University and we’re all very happy to see the establishment of this new centre.”
Exploring the world as a mosaic of peoples connected by shared cultures, the GDIRC will also examine the inequalities that arise from structures of differentiation based upon intersecting markers of identity, such as class, ethnicity, faith, gender, age, generation and ‘race’.
The centre will offer a series of workshops and seminars to bring research colleagues together within the University, as well as providing opportunities to engage with research partners across London and beyond.