Team Extreme have been doing their bit for Green Impact. Find out more about how they used spreadsheets and squats to succeed.
Date: 19 May 2017
London Met’s Community, Outreach and Events team, or Team Extreme as they are now known, have been working extremely hard for the Green Impact scheme, with the hope of getting a gold award.
Team Extreme includes Claire Black, Jas Gane, Natasha Smith, Tabitha Ettienne, Kyle Dougherty, Jake Featherstone, Liz Routhorn, Diahann Licorish, Sophie Cloutterbuck, Emily Link, Renzo Veschini, Charlotte Gaughan, Amaka Achike and Maxine Thomas.
They found the teamwork aspect of the Green Impact scheme great. Jake said: “Coming together for a greater purpose has been really rewarding, whether it’s giggling as we completed wall squats during our office workout or seeing team members’ talents in the Fairtrade bake off.”
Team Extreme has made the most of the powers of online communication through their Green Impact blog, which documents their many successes and achievements, including going on guided walks of the local area, promoting the reusable mug scheme and planting a sunflower.
Jake said: “From the beginning of the challenge we wanted a creative and fun way to communicate our progress on the Green Impact scheme.”
“Blogging is an effective way to encourage others to get involved as we are able to communicate how we are getting along in words and with pictures.”
They did find aiming for a gold award rather difficult, due to the short timeframe and the amount of organisation required. However, they overcame this difficulty by creating a spreadsheet, which assigned team members to criteria and deadline dates and helped to plan their approach to the scheme – a great idea, we all love a good spreadsheet!
“We would advise any teams that take part next year to plan ahead! If you would like to go for gold it does require a lot of organisation. Although difficult, it can be done,” Jake continued.
“The scheme has been very rewarding. Not only has it encouraged us all to work as a team but we have learnt a lot by taking part in the programme.”
Team Extreme have been engaged in a friendly rivalry with The Green Rangers, London Met's marketing department. Both teams started a blog to improve engagement with sustainability at the University.
London Met will be hosting an internal awards ceremony on 25 May to celebrate the success of staff who have taken part.