Senior Lecturer in Music Production, Steve Good, and final year students Tom Caro and Edson Neto played with pop artist Tara Carosille as the support act for ART Boyz.
Date: 2 November 2022
Final year Music Technology and Production BSc students Tom Caro and Edson Neto were joined by their Course Leader Steve Good in performing with up-and-coming dark pop artist Tara Carosielli on Saturday 22 October at the Notting Hill Arts Club.
Edson was asked to put a band together for Tara and so turned to his classmates for help, keen to get involved and lend his experience and support to the project and his student, Steve agreed to pick up the bass.
Following a number of rehearsals at the Calcutta House studios with Tom Caro on keyboards, Edson Neto on guitar and Steve Good on bass, the group played a set of 6 songs with Tara to an intimate and packed room as support for ART Boyz (Anayo, Amar Sura and Yvonne Shelling) and their exhibition of fine art and music performance.
The crowd was filled with the familiar faces of music students from all levels showing their support.
The four have discussed plans to perform again, so watch this space for upcoming shows!
Steve will also be playing with his other band, made up of other London Met alumni, James Andrews and the Ghostwriters on Friday 18 November for Dead or Alive at the Roadtrip in Old Street.