Sukhwant is Course Leader for the Women and Child Abuse MA. Prior to her work in academia she worked for over ten years in the women's voluntary sector.

Dr Sukhwant Dhaliwal
Sukhwant worked for over ten years in the women’s voluntary sector, particularly for Black and minority women’s organisations supporting women and children fleeing violence and abuse. Since moving to research and academia, she has been on 15 research projects covering the intersection of ‘race’ and other equalities strands (gender, age, disability, religion and belief) with social issues, sexual violence prevention, religious fundamentalism, and radicalisation. She continues to work closely with feminist partners on writing and research.
She is one of the founders and Editorial Collective members of Feminist Dissent, a new journal on gender and fundamentalism. With Nira Yuval-Davis, she is co-editor of Women Against Fundamentalism: Stories of Dissent and Solidarity, published by Lawrence and Wishart in 2014. With Jones et al she is co-author of Go Home? The politics of immigration controversies. Published by Manchester University Press in 2017.
Sukhwant has taught undergraduate and postgraduate modules on race, ethnicity, gender and women's equality, sociological theory and research methods. She is currently teaching on the Woman and Child Abuse MA programme and is part of the Child and Woman Abuse Studies Unit (CWASU).
Sukhwant is particularly interested in research and teaching in the areas of religion, fundamentalism, extremism and radicalisation.
- Dhaliwal, S. ‘Multifaithism and Secularism in the UK’ in Goldenberg, N. and McPhillips, K. (eds) The End of Religion: Feminist Reappraisals of the State (Routledge). To be published November 2020.
- Jones, H., Gunaratnam, Y., Bhattacharya, G., Davies, W., Dhaliwal, S., Forkert, K., Jackson, E., and Saltus, R. (2017) Go Home? The politics of immigration controversies. Manchester University Press, Manchester.
- Dhaliwal, S and Yuval-Davis, N. (2014) (eds) Women Against Fundamentalism: Stories of Dissent and Solidarity (Lawrence and Wishart: London). ISBN: 978-1909831025.
Peer reviewed journal articles
- Dhaliwal, S. (2019) ‘Respecting and Ensuring Rights: Feminist Ethics for a State Response to Fundamentalism’ in Feminist Dissent, Issue 4: Special Issue on Prevent co-edited by Sukhwant Dhaliwal, Rebecca Durand and Stephen Cowden, pp. 16-54.
- Anitha, S. and Dhaliwal, S. (2019) ‘South Asian Feminisms: Traversing Gender, Race, Class and Religion’ in Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. 54, Issue 17, pp. 37-45.
- Dhaliwal, S. (2017) ‘Christian Fundamentalists in the UK: Moral Swords of Justice or Moral Crusaders?' in Feminist Dissent, Issue 2, pp. 118-147.
- Dhaliwal, S and Patel, P. (2017) ‘De-secularisation and the 'faith agenda' in an era of austerity: the impact on women's and girls’ rights in the UK’ in Gender and Development, Special Issue on Fundamentalisms. Volume 25, Issue 1, pp. 85-100.
- Dhaliwal, S., Nagarajan, C., and Varma, R., (2016) ‘Why Feminist Dissent?’ in (eds) Feminist Dissent, Issue 1, pp 1 -20, 2016.
- Dhaliwal, S., D’Arcy, K., and Thomas, R (2015) ‘Community Awareness Raising on Child Sexual Exploitation: Possibilities and Problems’ in Safer Communities, Vol. 14: 4-15.
- Dhaliwal, S. and Forkert, K (2015) ‘Deserving and Undeserving Migrants: the local impact of Home Office immigration campaigns’ in Soundings, Issue 61, November 2015, pp. 49-61.
- Dhaliwal, S. (2015) ‘“We are not objects, we are not things”: ethnic minority women’s views of the Home Office immigration campaigns’ in Feminist Review, 110: 79-86.
- Dhaliwal, S. (2014) 'Women Against Fundamentalism: 25 Years of Anti-Racist, Anti-Fundamentalist Feminism' Special Issue of Feminist Review entitled Black British Feminisms: Many Chants, Issue 108: 81-89.
Book chapters
- Patel, P. and Dhaliwal, S. (2016) ‘Caste and Religion: Reflections on Hindu and Sikh Fundamentalist Mobilisations’ in Carling, A. and Macey, M. (eds) The Social Equality of Religion or Belief (Palgrave Macmillan: London).
- Dhaliwal, S. (2014) ‘Washing our dirty linen in public: 25 years of Women Against Fundamentalism’ in Gunaratnam, Y. (ed) Complicit No More (Media Diversified: London).
- Dhaliwal, S. and Yuval-Davis, N. (2014) ‘Introduction’ in Dhaliwal, S and Yuval-Davis, N. (2014) Women Against Fundamentalism: Stories of Dissent and Solidarity (Lawrence and Wishart: London).
- Dhaliwal, S. (2014) ‘Made in Little India’ in in Dhaliwal, S and Yuval-Davis, N. (2014) Women Against Fundamentalism: Stories of Dissent and Solidarity (Lawrence and Wishart: London).
- Dhaliwal, S. (2014) ‘Can real critique be faith based? The role of religion as electoral opposition’ in Cardullo, P., Gupta, R., and Hakim, J. (eds) London: City of Paradox (CMRB: London).
- Dhaliwal, S. and Patel, P. (2012) ‘Feminism in the Shadow of Multi-faithism: Implications for South Asian Women in the UK’ in Roy, S. (ed) New South Asian Feminisms: Paradoxes and Possibilities (Zed Books: London).
- Dhaliwal, S (2003) ‘Orange is not the only colour’ in Gupta, R (ed) From Homebreakers to Jailbreakers: Southall Black Sisters (Zed Books: London).
- Dhaliwal, S and Yuval-Davis, N. (2014) (eds) Women Against Fundamentalism: Stories of Dissent and Solidarity (Lawrence and Wishart: London). ISBN: 978-1909831025.
Research reports
- Dhaliwal, S. and Kelly, L. (2019) Bystanders Project: Final Comparative Report. CWASU: London.
- Kelly, L. and Dhaliwal, S. (2019) Bystanders Project: Final Country Report. CWASU: London.
- D'Arcy, K., Dhaliwal, S., Thomas, R. with Brodie, I. and Pearce, J. (2015) Families and Communities Against Child Sexual Exploitation (FCASE) Final Evaluation Report (University of Bedfordshire: Luton).
- Dhaliwal, S. (2011) Gender, Faith and Equality in the UK (produced for Amnesty International UK).
- Dhaliwal, S. and McKay, S. (2008) The Work-life Experiences of Black Nurses in the UK: A Report for the Royal College of Nursing published by The Royal College of Nursing.
- Dhaliwal, S. and Davis, M. (2007) The Impact of Religion on Trade Union Relations with Black Workers (Working Lives Research Institute: London).
- Dhaliwal, S. and Patel, P. (2007) Multiculturalism in Secondary Schools: Managing Conflicting Demands (Working Lives Research Institute: London).
- Dhaliwal, S., Gosper, A., Henderson, B., and Moore, S. (November 2006) Age discrimination against older women: the experience of labour market and wider barriers to employment participation (Working Lives Research Institute: London)
- Butt, J and Dhaliwal, S (January 2005) Different Paths: Connecting Services (Habinteg Housing Association, ASRA Greater London Housing Association and the Housing Corporation: London). Winner of the BME Spark Award 2005.
- Dhaliwal, S. (August 2005) The practices of trade unionists and the concerns and apprehensions and participation of racial and ethnic minorities within target occupations and workplaces: a fieldwork report on UK Health Sector (Working Lives Research Institute: London).
Guest Speaker on 'The Trojan Horse Affair’, BBC Radio 4 Thinking Allowed programme, 14th December 2017.
Examples of guest lectures and key note speeches:
- ‘A look at Sikh fundamentalism through the Behzti Affair: Communal Claims, Sexual Violence and Multifaithism’. Feminist Dissent module, Warwick University, 18th November 2019.
- ‘Gender Terrorism and Misogyny as frames for responding to fundamentalist violence’. Paper given at Strictly Observant: Religion, Gender and the State symposium, 25th to 26th March 2019, Woolf Institute, University of Cambridge.
- ‘Gender and Fundamentalism’, Keynote at the Women’s Equality Party conference, 8th September 2018. ‘An overview of Sikh fundamentalist networks in the UK’, Human Rights module, University of Oxford, July 2018.
- ‘Q+A Guest Speaker on gender and radicalisation’ following Faceless, at Park Theatre, London, 11th May 2018. 'Pushing for a creative solidarity politics: reflections on challenging fundamentalism in the UK' at Difficult Conversations: A Feminist Symposium, at CISC, University of Essex, 30th May 2018.
- ‘Critical reflections on engaging religious organisations in CSE work’ at the BLAST conference, Yorkshire, February 2016.
- ‘From Multiculturalism to Multifaithism’ at the CSE National Working Group special interest session on Marginalised Communities, Derby, February 2016.
- 'Not religion, not the state, women will decide their fate: reflections on women fighting fundamentalism', Write Ideas Festival, Whitechapel, 14th November 2015.
- 'Not religion, not the state, women will decide their fate: reflections on women fighting fundamentalism', Sociology Seminar Series, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, 28th October 2015.
- ‘Go Home? Mapping the Unfolding Controversy of Home Office Immigration Campaigns’, Eaves Housing Conference, London, 9th October 2015.