Dr Hamid Ghoddusi

Dr Hamid Ghoddusi is a Reader and Researcher in food science and microbiology. He is also Head of the Microbiology Research Unit (MRU) and course leader for Food Science - MSc and Food Science MRes. 

Photograph of Dr Hamid Ghoddusi.

Dr Hamid Ghoddusi

Dr Ghoddusi holds a PhD in Food Science and Microbiology, MSc in Food Technology/Microbiology and a BSc in Food Science and Technology.

After completing a PhD in Food Science and Microbiology at the University of Reading, Dr Ghoddusi worked as Assistant and Associate Professor at Ferdowsi University of Mashhad (FUM) between 1996 and 2004. Dr Ghoddusi then joined the University of Reading in September 2004 where he was a Research Fellow until December 2007. He's been a Senior Lecturer and Researcher at London Metropolitan University since January 2008 and is currently the course leader for both the Food Science MSc and MRes and also leads the Microbiology Research Unit (MRU).

Dr Ghoddusi's research career up until recent years has mainly focused on characterising lactic acid bacteria including probiotics (especially bifidobacteria) and their potential applications in fermented dairy products. His current research interests are primarily in the areas of functional foods, which involve efficacy of functional foods (including probiotics, prebiotics and synbiotics) using in vitro models of the human gastrointestinal region and in vivo, in human feeding studies.

Such research lies in the areas of applying advanced molecular biology and analytical techniques to study the inter-relationships between food, the commensal microbiota and health. The interactions between dietary components, the gut microbiota and metabolites are increasingly known to be substantial in maintaining health. Dr Ghoddusi is also interested in the importance and impact of diet on the gastrointestinal ecosystem and the host in general, including the application of functional foods. Likewise, he has a growing interest in dairy and non-dairy based fermented foods and the microorganisms and the metabolic activities of the microbiota involved. This comprises identification, enumeration and characterisation of probiotic bacteria in food and supplement. In line with this, research on traditional fermented foods across the world continues to be of interest to him. The latest research theme that Dr Ghoddusi is currently leading is on 'Microbiota of Human Breast Milk', looking at diversity and population of LAB and their potential probiotic characteristics.

Course leader for Food Science MSc and MRes.

Module convener:

  • Postgraduate: Food Biotechnology, Food Microbiology & Safety, Food Safety and Quality Management, Food Science Research Dissertation, Food Science Industrial Placement
  • Undergraduate: Food Science and Microbiology, Microbial Biotechnology, Fundamentals of Biotechnology Lead/Guest Lecturer
  • Postgraduate: Nutrition, Food Science and Catering, Advanced Food Analysis, Advanced Metabolic Nutrition, Scientific Research Methodology, Advanced Food Processing
  • Undergraduate: Food Science and Microbiology, Nutrition Science 2, Laboratory Science, Infection Science
  • Amund, O D, Ouoba, L I I, Sutherland, J P and Ghoddusi, H B (2014), Assessing the effects of exposure to environmental stress on some functional properties of Bifidobacterium animalis ssp. lactis. Beneficial Microbes (in press)
  • Ghoddusi, H B, Sherburn, R E and Aboaba, O O (2013), Growth limiting pH and water activity values for Clostridium butyricum. ISRN Microbiology 2013, 6-12
  • Naghizadeh Raeisi, S, Ouoba, L I I, Farahmand, N, Sutherland, J P and Ghoddusi, H B (2013), Variation, viability and validity of bifidobacteia: An investigation on selective enumeration and identification of Bifidobacterium spp. in probiotic fermented dairy products from the UK market. Food Control 34, 691-697
  • Ghoddusi, H B and Hassan, K (2011) Selective enumeration of bifidobacteria: A comparative study. Milchwissenschaft 66 (2), 149-151
  • Barouei, J, Karbassi, A, Ghoddusi, H B, Mortazavi, A, Ramezani, R, Moussavi, M (2011) Impact of native Lactobacillus paracasei subsp paracasei and Pediococcus spp as Adjunct Cultures on Sensory Quality of Iranian White Brined Cheese. International Journal of Dairy Technology 64 (4), 526-535
  • Ghoddusi, H B and Sherburn, R (2010) Preliminary study on the isolation of Clostridium butyricum strains from natural sources in the UK and screening the isolates for presence of the type E botulinal toxin gene. International Journal of Food Microbiology 142, 202-206
  • Mohebbi, M and Ghoddusi, H B (2008) Rheological and sensory evaluation of yoghurts containing probiotic cultures bio-yoghourt perception in Iran: rheological and sensory evaluation of yoghurt containing probiotic cultures. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology (JAST) 10, 147-155
  • Barouei, J, Karbassi, A, Ghoddusi, H B and Mortazavi, A (2008) Lactic microflora present in Liqvan ewe's milk cheese. International Journal of Food Properties 11 (2), 407-414
  • Ghoddusi, H B, Grandison, M A, Grandison, A S and Tuohy, K M (2007) In vitro study on gas generation and prebiotic effects of some carbohydrates and their mixtures. Anaerobes 13, 193-199
  • Habibi, M B, Aryanfar, A and Ghoddusi, H B (2006) Study on physico-chemical, rheological and sensory properties of mozzarella cheese made by direct acidification. American-Eurasian Journal of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences. 1(3), 268-272
  • Boylston, T D, Vinderola, C G, Ghoddusi, H B and Reinheimer, J A (2004) Incorporation of bifidobacteria into cheeses: challenges and rewards. International Dairy Journal 14 (5), 373-387
  • Habibi, M B, Sattari, R, Dokhani, S and Ghoddusi, H B (2003) Effect of starter cultures on physicochemical and organoleptic properties of Iranian white brined cheese. Iran Agricultural Research 22 (1), 29-44
  • Ghoddusi, H B (1999) Bifidobacteria in dairy products: novel aspects. Indian Dairyman, 51(7), 21-27
  • Ghoddusi, H B and Robinson R K (1996) The test of time. Dairy Industries International, 61(7), 25, 26, 28
  • Ghoddusi, H B and Robinson, R K (1996) Enumeration of starter cultures in fermented milks. Journal of Dairy Research 63, 151-158

Read full text publications. 

  • Joint grant for the FRGS grant – Ministry of Higher Education, Malaysia (MOHE). Diversity and potential of lactic acid bacteria from local fermented plant based products for bacteriocin and gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA) production
  • Joint grant for ICARD program (Iran MSRT) on isolation, identification and characterization of bacteriocins produced by indigenous lactobacilli from native food products
  • Knowledge Connect grant with moubon dairy company on improving the quality of sweetened yoghurt


Rescaling Fund, London Metropolitan University: £4,750 to fund the purchase of reagents and consumable needed for the project researching campylobacter contamination.

Dr Hamid Ghoddusi
Head of Microbiology Research Unit (MRU)
Course Leader for Food Science MSc and MRes
+44 (0)20 7133 4196
T9-02, Tower Building