Giles is a senior lecturer with the School of Computing and Digital Media, and also serves as the School's course leader for the Digital Media MA.
Giles Askham
Giles Askham earned a BA (Hons) Film Video and Photographic Arts at University of Westminster (9/1985 - 6/1988), PGCE (FE) at University of Greenwich (9/1993 - 6/1994), and MFA at Nottingham Trent University (2/2005 - 2/2007).
Selected Awards
- 8/2007: International Scholarship; Artists residency program Interactive Screen 07, Banff New Media Centre, Canada
- 4/2006: National Touring Programme award for exhibition "Game/Play"
- 5/2005: Nottingham Trent University, Masters Bursary
- 9/2004: National Touring Programme, award for exhibition "Sequences"
Giles Askham is a senior lecturer in the School of Computing and Digital Media. He is course leader for Digital Media MA and module leader for a number of modules including: CU4002, Digital Design and Image Making; CU4010, Introduction to Drawing and Animation; and CU5008 Digital Video and VFX.
Giles' research interests are in physical computing and tangible media. He is currently completing his PhD which explores play as an enabler of art projects that involve human/computer feedback mechanisms and systems.
Selected publications, exhibitions, seminars
- 8/2010: Conference presentation – Cubed; a physical gaming platform paper published in proceedings - ISEA2010 Germany
- 10/2009: Haptic and Embodied Engagements with Technology, presentation at Rule of Thirds North Conference, Lantern House Ulverston
- 9/2009: Cubed, art project commissioned by Folly as part of Portable Pixel Playground
- 3/2009: "The Thing" interactive art project showcased at Kinetica art fair, London
- 2/2009: Essay published in book Sequences on the photographic work of Andrew Davidhazy. ISBN 1905674767, Wallflower Press.
- 8/2008: Aquaplayne, artwork exhibited at File08, Sao Paulo, Brazil
- 8/2008: Game/Play, Conference paper presented at File08, Sao Paulo, Brazil
- 9/2007: Intersubjective engagements via media art, essay for "Playware" exhibition at Laboral Centro de Arte y creacion industrial, Asturias, Northern Spain
- 8/2007: Artists residency, Interactive Screen 07, Banff New Media Centre, Canada
- 11/2006: "Aquaplayne" exhibited at Trampoline: Platform for New Media Art, Nottingham
- 11/2006: "Game/Play" exhibition presented at Digital Culture – the art of playing games seminar. Arts Council London
- 10/2006: "Game/Play" conference paper accepted for Engage06: Interaction, Art and Audience Experience, a Creativity and Cognition Symposium at the University of Technology, Sydney, Australia
- 7/2006: Game/Play, Editor and contributing author - ISBN (0-9553538-0-7 / 978-0-9553538-0-2)
- 6/2004: "Mapping Data" essay on art and data collection, published in Lovely Weather Diane Maclean, exhibition catalogue, (ISBN 0-920810-73-X)
Selected curated exhibitions
- 6/2006: "Game/Play" exhibition partnership between Q Arts Derby, and HTTP Gallery London. Touring the UK in 2007, lead curator and co-ordinator.
- 11/2004: "Sequences", national touring exhibition of chronophotography, and art inspired by Victorian optical devices, co-curator and co-ordinator.
- 6/2004: "Lovely Weather", Diane Maclean exhibition, International partnership, co-curator.
- 4/2004: "Re:Thinking:Time", an exhibition of work by over 40 artists created on the PVA Labculture programme over the last ten years Curated by Elle Carpenter, assistant curator and producer.
- 2/2004: "Assembled" exhibition of work created by Simon Read, together with the workforce, during his artists’ residency at the IKEA distribution centre (Peterborough), curator.
- 4/2003: "Freefall", exhibition of international new media work, assistant curator.
Room: T10-03 Tower Building
Telephone: +44 (0)20 7133 3637
Availability: Tuesdays 12pm - 1pm and Thursdays 2pm - 3pm