London Met’s Dr Craig Lundy is set to talk at a conference on philosophy and its relationship with other disciplines.
Date: 30 May 2022
Dr Craig Lundy, Reader in Social and Political Thought at London Met, will be speaking at a conference organised by Thomas Tallis School in Blackheath, South London. The school, which is celebrating its 50th anniversary is holding the event in partnership with the Royal Institute of Philosophy, and aims to explore the question, ‘why philosophy?’.
To help answer this question the Thomas Tallis School, a mixed comprehensive, has enlisted the help of a range of speakers from across academia. Alongside Dr Lundy, professors from the University of Glasgow, University College London, Goldsmiths, and more, will be discussing the relationship between philosophy and other disciplines.
The event will be an opportunity for students and young people across the boroughs of Greenwich and Lewisham to hear from experts, and explore philosophical ideas and their relationship to issues facing the world today.
The conference will include talks in philosophy and mathematics, the environment, feminism, race, history, the theatre, and politics. Another aim of the event is to provide Year 11 and 12 students key experiences and resources outside of the usual curriculum to help them write their university applications. And also to help initiate informal conversations between students and academics in the area which might help answer questions students might have about that possible pathway.