A Sports Therapy professional has contributed to a leading trade publication, drawing on his personal experience with a debilitating sporting injury.
Date: 1 February 2018
Nick Gardiner, the Subject Group Leader for Sports Science and Sports Therapy, has recently contributed to the 2017 edition of Brukner and Khan's Clinical Sports Medicine, the very same textbook he used as a student.
Nick said: “I was honoured to be asked to be a part of such a prestigious publication.
“13 years ago, as a first year student at London Met, Clinical Sports Medicine was the first book I bought and it became a well-worn companion right through to my clinical practice.
“Having taught electrotherapy for a number of years it was a pleasure to review the latest literature and provide guidance based on the current evidence. I am also very grateful to Raffaella Pontonutti who provided a lot of help throughout this process.”
Nick, who became a sports therapy professional after receiving support following a knee injury which meant he couldn’t play sport, said: “I was so grateful for the help I received getting back to my sport after knee surgery I thought it would be great to be part of providing that kind of help.
“This industry offers a wide variety of opportunities and in my experience what you are doing can really help the people you are working with, whether that is getting someone back to their sport, or helping someone on the way to starting their career.”
Edited by Peter Brukner OAM, a specialist sports and exercise physician and the founding partner at the Olympic Park Sports Medicine Centre in Melbourne, and Professor Karim Khan, Professor of Kinesiology at The University of British Columbia, Clinical Sports Medicine challenges the routine that society has adjusted to. As explained in the foreword, “humans were not designed to sit at desks all day and in front of televisions all evening, and this physical inactivity is related to a host of health-related issues.”
The fourth edition of Clinical Sports Medicine is available to purchase online.