FAQs for London Met Academic Staff

Please use the EEA1 - External Examiner Nomination Form 2023-24 to nominate a potential External Examiner (EE). Staff must fully complete sections A and C. The nominated EE must complete Section B.

Please send the completed form and CV to the dedicated External Examiner email address: externalexaminer@londonmet.ac.uk

The list of conflicts of interests can be found on the last page of the EEA1 - External Examiner Nomination Form 2023-24. These will be reviewed when the nomination form is sent to the Academic Quality and Development (AQD) team.

When you submit a completed nomination form to AQD, please also include a copy of the proposed External Examiner’s Curriculum Vitae.

Please use the EER1 - Extension and Reallocation Form 2023-24 to reallocate modules to existing External Examiners.

This form should also be used to request a contract extension.

Please note: External Examiners must be in agreement to examine additional modules or extend their contracts before requests are submitted for approval.

Please direct all queries to the AQD managed externalexaminer@londonmet.ac.uk email account in the first instance.