External reviews (QAA)
Academic Quality and Development acts as the lead area within the University when undergoing an external review by the Quality Assurance Agency (QAA UK) and other accreditation agencies.
This element of our remit includes:
- acting as QAA institutional contact
- ensuring QAA Academic Infrastructure Compliance for both internal and collaborative taught provision
- managing QAA review activity
- QAA event management
Degree Outcomes Statement 2022-23
In May 2019, the UK Standing Committee for Quality Assessment (UKSCQA) published a Statement of Intent. It proposed that Higher Education providers should publish a degree outcomes statement, analysing their institutional degree classification profile and articulating the results of an internal institutional review relating to this. The aim of the review is to help assure governing bodies that providers meet the Expectations of the Quality Code for Higher Education that relate to protecting the value of qualifications and the Office for Students' (OfS) ongoing conditions of registration on academic standards (B4 and B5).