
London Metropolitan University Microwaves has a long history of research, development and training in this area. Research covers microwave technology; computer-aided design and modelling; mobile communications, wireless LANs, radar and satellite communications. All work is supported by fully integrated laboratories, including computer aided design (CAD) facilities, thick film manufacturing, packaging plant and modern test instrumentation.

The unit has collaborative research links with Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, Technological Educational Institute of Crete, Greece, and Multimedia University, Malaysia. It is also working closely with some leading UK and international companies. In addition, the unit has designed and developed a Microstrip Trainer, which is an innovative aid for teaching the latest microwave technology. The Microstrip Trainer is commercially available through Feedback Instruments Ltd. We have also developed and run professional development short-courses on Microwave Technology and Communication Systems.

The unit welcomes applications for MPhil or PhD research degrees on either a full-time or part-time basis. We strongly encourage industrially-sponsored research projects, as you may conduct your research work on site in industry permitting availability of equipment, as well as at the University. The University also is very happy to discuss any research proposal from individuals.

Further Information:
Dr Bal S Virdee BSc (Eng) PhD CEng FIET MIEEE
Centre for Communications Technology
London Metropolitan University
166-220 Holloway Road
London N7 8DB, UK
E-mail: b.virdee@londonmet.ac.uk

Tel: +44(0) 20 7133 2172

For more details see Centre for Communications Technology