Olaoluwa Jimmy Asuni is a motivational speaker and an author. He talks about his MBA, experiences at London Met and professional journey.
Tell us about your background
I have to give this a thought, my background – I was born in Lagos, Nigeria and I would describe myself as black British, as I have spent more than half my years in London, United Kingdom.
Thinking back before you started your MBA did you ever think you’d be where you are now? If not, why not?
I am a very positive person, so yes, I had big dreams for myself. I worked very hard towards achieving my dreams. One of the big dreams I had was to become an international motivational speaker, author and coach. I am already giving motivational speeches in United Kingdom and Africa.
Do you feel that going to uni sends other people in your family or friendship circle a positive message? Why?
Getting a university degree is always great, it helps boost your value and your sense of self-worth. It also creates an aura about you. It makes you feel like you can add value to someone else, which is why education gives you a sense of value.
How would you describe the journey you’ve been on?
The journey... where do I start? It has taken me through every kind of feeling you can imagine, from the spiritual and mental to physical, but I would not trade my journey for any other thing. It is in the journey that you discover and pursue your purpose. Your journey is what helps mould you into who you become in life.
What makes MBA an especially valuable degree?
Master of Business Administration is one of those degrees that open doors to a lot of opportunities in any industry around the world. It is wide and covers all the vital areas in business that make it flourish, and you can contribute to the business from the knowledge you have gained.
Do you feel that you’ve changed as a person through your uni experience? If so how?
University experiences have given me the foundations on which I can build whatever type of house I want. University teaches you all the technical skills and theory. Your gaining the skills you’ll need to become whoever you want to become in life.
How has the uni helped in terms of inspiring you?
In terms of inspiring me, I will say if you don’t look for something inside you to inspire you, there is nothing anyone can teach you that will inspire you. The skills I picked up at university include the ability to create an idea and get others to buy into it. My ability to hold serious conversations with people has also greatly developed.
What has it been like studying among such diverse students, what benefits did it bring?
Diversity is one key ingredients in life, it sharpens your thinking and helps bring out the best in you. It is one of the things you can’t put a value on.
What next in your journey? What’s your ambition for the future?
My journey has been amazing. If you had asked me the same question a few years ago I would have said I want to become an author of a book, become a major international motivational speaker and a great life coach. Today I can say I have already published my book, Dare to be Imperfect, and I’m an international motivational speaker. I will say my next big move will be to become a great life coach, so I can show people around the world that there is ability in your disability. I guess my next big ambition is to help every single person I meet reach their fullest potential.
Sum up how you feel about London Met and its impact on you
London Met is a great university, their teaching facilities are great and the libraries are filled with updated materials that provide you the platform to flourishes. It’s impact on my life has been great.
Can you describe your experience in one word
Any advice for new students?
I will give them 3 words – consistency, persistence and gratefulness. If you’re consistent you can get anything you want in life, if you persistent you keep what you have and if you grateful for what you have it has a way of attracting more good things to you.