Rachel Booth

Rachel is a Senior Lecturer and Primary 3-7 Lead for PGCE courses and apprenticeships at the School of Social Sciences and Professions.

Rachel Booth

Rachel Booth

Rachel is a Senior Lecturer at London Metropolitan University on the Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) course. Rachel is relentlessly ambitious about teaching and learning and is a dedicated advocate of the University's mission of transforming lives through excellent education. Since January 2020, Rachel has led and developed the Primary 3-7 PGCE and Primary 3-7 Apprenticeship (London) PGCE routes. Rachel is the Primary English Lead. With special interests in early reading acquisition and writing for pleasure, Rachel is a regional representative (London) for the United Kingdom Literacy Association (UKLA).

Rachel firmly believes that to have an inclusive society we must have inclusive schools. She has recently served as a governor in a inner London comprehensive secondary school.
Previously, as a designer, Rachel collaborated on the design of the highly successful greeting card and stationery ranges including the London Underground licensed stationery range and co-led product development and licensing for the global brand, Bang On The Door™ in the UK.
Rachel has taught in inner London schools for over 20 years. During that time, she has held a variety of posts in primary and early years settings, including coordinator for art, science, English as an additional language (EAL), Trainee and Newly Qualified Teacher (NQT) Mentoring, Key Stage Lead, Phase lead and Senior Leadership.
Rachel holds the following qualifications:
BSc (Hons) Biology with Qualified Teacher Status (QTS), Saint Martins College, University of Lancaster
MA Applied Imagination in the Creative Industries, Central Saint Martins, UAL
Fellowship of Higher Education Academy (FHEA)
Rachel is currently a Senior Lecturer in Primary and Early Years education PGCE course and she is the 3-7 PGCE and Apprenticeship (London) Lead.
Responsibilities include tutoring and mentoring students, link tutoring for trainee teachers in placement giving supportive guidance in all aspects of school placements and academic assignments. As well as, mentor training and quality assurance of placements.
Rachel's research interests include:
The transformative process of HE.
Reflective writing, 360º feedback and the analytical value of reflective practice in teaching and learning in HE.
Feedback for the 'long game':a critical synopsis of HE literature around the principles and processes of feedback/feedforward, with implications for teaching and learning practice in Initial Teacher Education.
Reimagine teaching SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disability) through critical pedagogy to trainee teachers in the Primary PGCE Apprenticeship and University Led routes.
The impact of screen time on children's imagination and the benefit to children and families of making creative and resourceful fun out of the ordinary.
Rachel Booth
Senior Lecturer Primary 3-7 Lead (PGCE and Apprenticeships)