Nigel joined London Metropolitan University in May 2020 as a Professor in Operations and Supply Management.

Professor Nigel Caldwell
Prior to joining London Met, Nigel worked as Director of the Logistics Research Centre and Reader at Heriot Watt University, where he was also Business Management UoA REF Champion. Prior to that he worked as a Research Fellow at the University of Bath (CRiSPS/IDO), where he bid for and ran EPSRC funded projects. Nigel’s research focuses on business to business relationships, performance and social value. He was a co-founder of the British Academy of Management’s Special interest group in Inter-Organisational Relations, and a committee member of IPSERA, the International Purchasing and Supply Educational Research Association, he is an active member of the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport
Nigel is on the board of EurOMA, whose 24th annual conference he hosted in 2017, he is on the steering committee of the 6th World Conference on Production and Operations Management to be held in Nara, Japan in 2021. He has published widely in international journals such as, IJOPM, JMS, BJM and JOM.
Nigel has experience in designing and delivering modules and courses on operations and supply management and the interfaces between operations, supply and marketing. He has taught around the world, including Dubai, Malaysia, Greece and China.
He is always keen to work with hard working and committed PhD candidates.
Refereed journal articles
- Forster, R, Lyons, A, Caldwell, N.D., Davies, J., Sharifi, H. (2024). A lifecycle analysis of complex public procurement: an agency-institutional theory perspective. International Journal of Production and Operations Management, published on line 2ND April 2024. Ahead-of-print.
- Talebi, H, Kazemi, A., Shakouri G, H., Kocaman, A.S., Caldwell, N.D. (2024). An Integrated Price- and Incentive-Based Demand Response Program for Smart Residential Buildings: A Robust Multi-Objective Model, Sustainable Cities and Society, Accepted July 12, 2024.
- JWIJATI, I., BITITCI, U., CALDWELL, N.D., GARENGO, P., WANG, D. (2022). Impact of National Culture on Performance Measurement Systems in Manufacturing firms. Accepted Production Planning & Control, DOI: 10.1080/09537287.2022.2026674
- GHADGE, A., DUCK, A., ER, M. & CALDWELL, N.D. (2021) Deceptive counterfeit risk in global supply chains, Supply Chain Forum: An International Journal, Vol.22:2, 87-99, DOI: 10.1080/16258312.2021.1908844
- HAN, Y., CALDWELL, N.D., GHADGE, A. (2020). Social network analysis in operations and supply chain management: A review and research agenda. International Journal of Production and Operations Management, Vol. 40(7/8), pp. 1153-1176.
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GHADGE, A., WEISS, M., CALDWELL, N.D., WILDING, R. Managing cyber risk in supply chains: A review and research agenda. Submitted to Supply Chain Management: an International Journal, Vol. 25 No. 2, pp. 223-240.
KÖNIG, C., CALDWELL, N.D., GHADGE, A. (2019) Service provider boundaries in competitive markets: the case of the logistics industry, International Journal of Production Research, Vol.57(18), 5624-5639
CALDWELL, N.D., ROEHRICH, J. K., & GEORGE, G. (2017). Social Value Creation and Relational Coordination in Public-Private Collaborations. Journal of Management Studies, Vol. 54(6), 906–928
GHADGE, A. DANI, S., OJHA, R., CALDWELL, N. D. (2017). Using risk sharing contracts for supply chain risk mitigation: A buyer-supplier power and dependence perspective. Computers & Industrial Engineering. Vol. 103, 01.2017, p. 262–270
HOWARD, M., TANG, W,. JIA, J., CALDWELL, N.D., KÖNIG, C. (2016). "Performance-based contracting in the UK defence industry: Exploring triadic dynamics between government, OEMs and suppliers". Industrial Marketing Management, Volume 59, 63–75
GHADGE, A. YANG, Q., CALDWELL, N. D., KÖNIG, C., TIWARI, M.K. (2016). Hybrid Location Optimisation Modelling for Forward and Reverse Flows – A Mixed Methods Approach. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, Volume 44(9). p.884 – 902
CALDWELL, N.D., HOWARD, M. (2014). A critical evaluation of contracting for complex performance in markets of few buyers and few sellers: the case of military procurement. International Journal of Production and Operations Management. Vol. 34(2), Feb, p270-294
CALDWELL, N.D., POWELL, P., HARLAND, C., ZHENG, J. (2013). Impact of e-business on perceived supply chain risks. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development. Vol. 20(4), 688– 715
ROEHRICH J., CALDWELL, N.D. (2012). Delivering integrated solutions in the public sector: the unbundling paradox. Industrial Marketing Management. Vol. 41(6), p995-1007. August
PHILLIPS, W. E., LAMMING, R., & CALDWELL, N.D. (2012). Customer-Supplier Relationships During the Process of Innovation: An Innovation Systems Approach. Strategic Change: Briefings in Entrepreneurial Finance, vol.21(5-6), August, 263-274
PHILLIPS, W., JOHNSEN, T. E., CALDWELL, N. and CHAUDHURI, J. B.. (2011). The difficulties of supplying new technologies into highly regulated markets: the case of tissue engineering. Technology Analysis and Strategic Management, 23 (3), pp. 213-226
PIERCY, N., CALDWELL, N.D. (2011). Experiential Learning in the International Classroom: Supporting Integration and Learning Effectiveness. International Journal of Management Education, Volume 9(2), 25-35
CALDWELL, N.D., ROEHRICH, J.K., DAVIES, A. (2009). Procuring complex performance: T5 and PFI compared. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, Vol.15(3), 178-186
PIERCY, N., CALDWELL, N.D., & RICH, N. (2009). Considering connectivity in operations management. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management. Vol. 58(7), 607-631
ZHENG, J., CALDWELL, N.D. (2008). Asymmetric Learning in complex contracts. Journal of Public Procurement, 8(3), 334-33
PHILLIPS, W. E., KNIGHT, L., CALDWELL, N. D., & Warrington, J. (2007). Policy through procurement - the introduction of Digital Signal Process (DSP) hearing aids into the English NHS. Health Policy. January, 80(1), 77-85
HARLAND, C., CALDWELL, N.D., POWELL, P., ZHENG, J. (2007). Supply Chain Information Integration: SMEs adrift of e-lands. Journal of Operations Management, 25(6), November, 1234-1254
JOHNSEN, T. E., PHILLIPS, W. E., CALDWELL, N. D., & LEWIS, M. (2006). Centrality of Customer and Supplier Interaction in Innovation. Journal of Business Research. Vol.59, 671-678
LAMMING, R., CALDWELL, N. D., & PHILLIPS, W. E. (2006). A conceptual model of value transparency in supply. European Management Journal, 24(2). April-June, 206-213
PHILLIPS, W. E., JOHNSEN, T. E., CALDWELL, N. D., & LEWIS, M. (2006). Investigating innovation in complex healthcare supply networks: an initial conceptual framework. Health Services Management Research. August, 19(3), 197-206
HARLAND, C.M, LAMMING, R.C., WALKER, H., PHILLIPS, W.E., CALDWELL, N.D., JOHNSEN, T., KNIGHT, L.A., ZHENG, J. (2006). Supply Management: is it a discipline? International Journal of Production & Operations Management, 25(2), February, 1234-1254
CALDWELL, N.D. WALKER, H., HARLAND, C., KNIGHT, L.A., ZHENG, J., WAKELEY, T. (2005). Promoting Competitive Markets: the role of Public Procurement. Journal of Purchasing & Supply Management, Vol.11, (5&6), September-November, 242-251
DORAN, D., THOMAS, P. CALDWELL, N.D. (2005). Examining buyer-supplier relationships within a service sector context, Supply Chain Management: an international journal, Vol.10(4), 272-277
LAMMING, R.C., CALDWELL, N.D., PHILLIPS, W.E., HARRISON, D.A. (2005). Sharing sensitive information in supply relationships: the flaws in open book negotiation and the need for transparency. European Management Journal, 23(5), 554-563
LAMMING, R.C., ZHANG, J., CALDWELL, N.D. and PHILLIPS, W.E. (2005). Implementing transparency in supply relations. Management Decision, Vol. 43(6), 810-821
LAMMING, R.C., CALDWELL, N.D., HARRISSON, D.A. (2004). Developing the Concept of Transparency for use in Supply Relationships, British Journal of Management, December, 15(4), 291-303
RAMSAY, J., CALDWELL, N.D. (2004). If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail: The risks of casual trope usage in purchasing discourse. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, Vol.10(2), 79-88
ZHENG. J., CALDWELL. N.D., HARLAND, C.M. and POWELL, P, WOERNDL, M. and XU. S. (2004). Small Firms and e-business: Cautiousness, Contingency and Cost Benefits. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, Vol.10(1), January, 27-40
LAMMING, R.C., CALDWELL, N.D., HARRISON, D.A., PHILLIPS, W.E. (2002). Transparency in supply relationships: concept and practice, Engineering Management Review, IEEE Vol 30(3), 70-76
LAMMING, R.C., CALDWELL, N.D., HARRISON, D.A., PHILLIPS, W.E. (2001). Transparency in Supply Chain Relationships: concept and practice. Journal of Supply Chain Management, 37(4), 5-10
CALDWELL, N.D., LAMMING, R.C. (1999). ‘The case for emotionality in sales and purchasing research’. The Journal of Selling and Major Account Management, Vol.1(4), summer, 33-46, unranked.
CALDWELL, N.D. & DOWN, S. 'Faking it' in supply chain relationships’. (1997). Manufacturing matters: Organization and Employee relations in modern manufacturing [Eds.] R. Delbridge and J. Lowe Management Research News, Vol.20 No.2/3
CALDWELL, N.D. & SMALLMAN, C. (1996). 'Environmental consultancy in the UK: structure and implications'. Management Decision, Vol. 34(3), 15-22
CALDWELL, N.D. & SMALLMAN, C. (1996). 'The future of environmental consultancy in the UK: Market trends'. Eco-Management and Auditing, Vol.3(1), February, pp1-8
- HANIFF, A. & CALDWELL, N.D. (2019). The 24th International Annual Conference: Inspiring Operations Management, 3 May, In : International Journal of Operations and Production Management. 39, 3, pp. 382-384
- VOSS, S., LLOYD, T., JOYNER, O., LOUSADA, J., CALDWELL, N.D., SOOR, R., HOLOROYD, C., BENGER, J. (2011). Editorial: Violence in the Emergency Department. British Journal of Hospital Medicine, Vol. 72(12), December, 664-665, Unranked in Management.
- CALDWELL, N.D. & HOWARD,. M. (2014). Special issue: "Procuring and Managing Complex Performance". In : International Journal of Operations and Production Management. Vol.34(2) pp. 146-1494
- Nigel Caldwell and Mickey Howard (2012). Eds. Procuring Complex Performance: studies of innovation in product-service management. Routledge, Taylor-Francis, New York. Paperback edition 2012. Printed in Mandarin, 2018.
Book Chapters
CALDWELL, N.D., KONIG, C. (2016). Growth Strategies of Logistics Service Providers: an RBV perspective on the logistics industry. Case Study 2.8. In Grant, D.B. (Ed). Logistics, Supply Chain and Operations Management Case Study Collection. KoganPage, UK, pp262-272
PATERSON, A., JACKSON, W., SHERIF, M., MacINTOSH, R and CALDWELL, N.D. (2016). The Nature of Accounting and Finance Research, Chapter 1, In Kevin O’Gorman and Robert MacIntosh (Eds), Research Methods for Business & Management, Goodfellows Publishing Limited, pp1-19
MacINTOSH, R., CALDWELL, N.D. (2015). The Nature of Research, Chapter 1, In Research Methods for Business & Management, In, Eds Kevin O’Gorman and Robert MacIntosh, Research Methods for Business & Management, Goodfellows Publishing Limited, pp. 1-14
ROEHRICH, J.K., CALDWELL, N.D., LEWIS , M.A. (2014). Procuring Complex Performance (PCP) in the UK Defence Sector. In Michael Essig and Andreas Glas (Eds). Chapter 4 Performance Based Logistics: Innovatives Beschaffungsmanagement für die Streitkräfte, Springer Gabler pp75-90
CALDWELL, N.D., SETTLE, V. (2011). Incentives and Contracting for availability: Procuring Complex Performance. Chapter 13 in Complex Engineering Service Systems: Concepts and Research, Routledge. Volume in Service Science: Research and Innovations (SSRI) in the Service Economy Book Series, Springer - ISSN: 1865-4924, pp149-16
PARRY, G., CALDWELL, N.D., McLENING, M. (2011). Complex Deployed Responsive Service. In Service Design of Delivery. Eds. M. McIntyre, Parry, G., Angelis, J. Springer-Verlag. Pp95-117
BESSANT, J., HOWARD, M., CALDWELL, N.D. (2010). Product-service innovation: Reframing the buyer-customer landscape, in Procuring Complex Performance: studies of innovation in product-service management. Routledge, Taylor-Francis, New York, Pages 199-216
HOWARD, M., CALDWELL, N.D. (2010). Introduction. Product-service innovation: Reframing the buyer-customer landscape, in Procuring Complex Performance: studies of innovation in product-service management. Routledge, Taylor-Francis, New York. Pages 1-18
CALDWELL, N.D., HOWARD, M. (2010). Conclusions and Commentary. Introduction. Product-service innovation: Reframing the buyer-customer landscape, in Procuring Complex Performance: studies of innovation in product-service management. Routledge, Taylor-Francis, New York. Pages 232-246
THOMPSON, R., HARROW, D., HIGNETT, S., BENGER, J., CALDWELL, N.D., PETERSEN, A., JONES, A., (2009). Healthcare on the move. Treating patients in the community: the Smart Pods project. London; Royal College of Art
CALDWELL, N.D., BAKKER, E. (2008). The Procurement Process in the Public Sector: an International Perspective. The International Handbook of Public Procurement (Public Administration and Public Policy). Edited by Khi Thai, Taylor Francis Press, Boca Raton, Florida, USA, pp427-444
CALDWELL, N.D., BAKKER, E., READ, J. (2007). The purchasing process in the public sector. In Public Procurement; International Cases and Commentary. (Khi Thai Ed), Routledge, UK, pp149-159
KNIGHT, L., HARLAND, C., TELGEN, J., CALDWELL, N.D. (2007). Public Procurement: an introduction. Edited by Khi Thai, Public Procurement; International Cases and Commentary. Routledge, UK, pp1-15
PHILLIPS, W.E., CALDWELL, N.D., CALLENDER, G. (2007). Public Procurement – a Pillar of good Governance? Public Procurement; International Cases and Commentary, Routledge, UK, pp138-148
CALDWELL, N.D. WALKER, H., HARLAND, C., KNIGHT, L.A., ZHENG, J., (2006).Promoting Competitive Markets: the role of Public Procurement. In: Khi Thai (Ed) Challenges in Public Procurement: An International Perspective. PrAcademics Press, Boca Raton, Florida, USA, pp315-334
CALDWELL, N.D, PHILLIPS, W., JOHNSEN, T., LEWIS, M. (2006). Procurement ethics and Telecare innovation in UK healthcare. Advancing Public Procurement: Practices, Innovation and Knowledge-Sharing. Boca Raton, Fl, USA: Pracademics Press Yhati, K. and Stefano, G. (Eds) pp139-155
JOHNSEN, T., PHILLIPS, W.E, CALDWELL, N. D. (2006). Early public procurement involvement in emerging technologies: The case of tissue engineering? In Advancing Public Procurement: Practices, Innovation and Knowledge-sharing, PrAcademics Press, Denmark, pp 452-470
LAMMING, R.C., CALDWELL, N.D., PHILLIPS, W.E. (2004). Transparency in supply chain relationships, Chapter in “Supply Chains: Concept, Critiques and Futures”, Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK, pp191-208
CALDWELL, N.D. (2000). The significance of the decline in deference in buyer-supplier relationships in supply chains. Research Perspectives in Purchasing and Supply Chain Management, Selected papers of the Third and Fourth IFPMM Summer Schools, pp1- 12