Mohamed Guenuni
Mohamed’s main area of research and teaching expertise is in the area of Applied Languages and Islamic Studies. His particular interests are Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) and the history of Islamic Society and Culture. While he was working as a lecturer in Centre Pédagogique Regional in Morocco, Mohamed published a number of papers on Islamic philosophy, education and literature. He came to the UK where he taught Arabic language, culture, literature and history at different Institutes of Further and Higher Education before obtaining a permanent post at London Guildhall University (a predecessor institution of London Metropolitan University).
In his capacity as a lecturer he has designed and developed Arabic syllabi for a variety of colleges in the UK, such as St Martin’s College, Lancaster, in 1986, and London Guildhall University in 1998. In 2000 he obtained membership of the Institute for Learning and Teaching in Higher Education (ILTH) on account of his innovative teaching approach. Since then he has contributed to publications on CALL for Arabic and has attended and participated in a number of conferences related to the learning of non-European languages, notably events organised by the National Centre for Language Teaching (CILT). He has recently developed a computer-based learning programme for Arabic and is currently writing an Arabic textbook for beginners.
Mohamed's qualifications:
- MA with credit (Modern Arabic and Islamic Studies), University of Tetouan, Morocco
- BA (Hons) with credit (Modern Arabic and Islamic Studies), University of Tetouan, Morocco
- Teaching Certificate in Further and Adult Education (City & Guilds stage 1 and 2) Southwark College, London
- Teaching Certificate (Major: Arabic Language & Literature, Minor: French), Teaching School Tangier, Morocco
Mohamed Guenuni
Course Leader: Arabic BA (Hons)
E: m.guenuni@londonmet.ac.uk