Professor Chris Chandler is a Professor of Psychology at London Met.

Chris Chandler
Professor Chris Chandler is a Professor of Psychology at London Met. Chris is a psychobiologist and came to London Met from the Institute of Psychiatry in 1996. He has previously been course leader for undergraduate programmes and postgraduate programmes in addiction and mental health.
Chris specialises in the neuropsychology of addiction and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). More broadly his research interests are addiction psychology and drug use, drug policy and ADHD.
Chris contributes to the teaching of psychobiology and addiction across all undergraduate and postgraduate levels.
Publications and conference presentations (research)
- Chandler C.J., Starr B.S. and Starr M.S. (1989). Behavioural interactions of the D1 dopamine antagonist SCH 23390 with the D2 antagonists metoclopramide and sulpiride in non-habituated mice. Journal of Psychopharmacology, 3, 69P.
- Chandler C.J., Starr B.S. and Starr M.S. (1990). Differential behavioural interactions between the dopamine D1 antagonist SCH 23390 and the dopamine D2 receptor antagonists metoclopramide and sulpiride in non-habituated mice. Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior, 35, 285 289.
- Al Tajir G., Chandler C.J., Starr B.S. and Starr M.S. (1990). Opposite effects of D1 and D2 dopamine receptor stimulation on the expression of motor seizures in mice and rats. Neuropharmacology, 19, 657 661.
- Al Tajir G., Starr M.S., Chandler C.J. and Starr B.S. (1990). Opposing effects of dopamine D1 and D2 receptor stimulation on the propagation of motor seizures in mice and rats. British Journal of Pharmacology, 99, 261P.
- Chandler C.J., Wohab W., Starr B.S. and Starr M.S. (1990). Motor depression: A new role for D1 receptors? Neuroscience, 38, 437 445. Burke K., Chandler C.J., Starr B.S. and Starr M.S. (1990). Seizure promotion and protection by D1 and D2 dopaminergic drugs in the mouse. Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behaviour, 36, 729 733.
- Chandler C.J., Starr B.S., and Starr M.S. (1991). Behavioural interactions of clozapine and SCH 23390 with benzamide neuroleptics in non-habituated mice. Journal of Psychopharmacology, 6, 117P.
- Chandler C.J., Starr B.S. and Starr M.S. (1992). Behavioural Effects of the specific D1 antagonist SCH 39166. Journal of Psychopharmacology, A65.
- Starr B.S., Munro I., Patel B. and Chandler C.J. (1992). A method for estimating memory impairment in the mouse using naturally occurring exploratory behaviour. Journal of Psychopharmacology, A55.
- Chandler C.J., Starr B.S. and Starr M.S. (1992). D1 like inhibition of mouse locomotion by clozapine. Pharmacology Communications, 2, 345 351.
- Starr M.S., Chandler C.J. and Starr B.S. (1992). Dopamine and Epilepsy A problem overlooked? Paper presented to the European Winter Conference on Brain Research, La Plagne, France. March.
- Chandler C.J., Starr B.S. and Starr M.S. (1992). Clozapine and multiple dopamine receptors: A behavioural investigation into the importance of D1 and D2 receptor sites. Paper presented to the European Winter Conference on Brain Research, La Plagne, France. March.
- Chandler C.J., and Stolerman I.P. (1994). The discriminative stimulus effects of cytisine in the rat. Behavioural Pharmacology, 5 (Suppl. 1), 113.
- Chandler C.J., Garcha H.S. & Stolerman I.P. (1995). Morphine and amphetamine, but not nicotine, produce conditioned place preferences in the rat. Journal of Psychopharmacology (suppl), 9, A52.
- Chandler C.J., Garcha H.S., Newton J.M. & Stolerman I.P. (1996). Behavioural pharmacology of the nicotinic agonist epibatidine. Behavioural Pharmacology, 7 (suppl 1), 14
- Chandler C.J. and Stolerman I.P. (1997). The discriminative stimulus properties of the nicotinic agonist cytisine. Psychopharmacology, 129, 257-264.
- Stolerman I.P., Chandler C.J., Garcha H.S. & Newton J.M. (1997). Selective antagonism of behavioural effects of nicotine by dihydro-beta-erythroidine in rats. Psychopharmacology, 129, 390-397.
- Mirza N.R., Chandler C.J. & Stolerman I.P. (1997). Cholinergic antagonists induce a selective impairment in a compound discrimination tasks. Journal of Psychopharmacology, 11 (Suppl), A65.
- Kanyt L, Stolerman I.P, Chandler C.J, Saigusa T, Pogun S. (1999). Influence of sex and female hormones on nicotine-induced changes in locomotor activity in rats. Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behaviour, 62:179-87.
- Taurah L., Lusher J.Chandler, June 2000. Visual Alcohol Cues influence smoking stroop performance. Poster presentation annual BPS meeting Sheffield.
- Lusher J.M., Chandler C.J. and Ball D. (2001). Dopamine D4 Receptor gene (DRD4) is associated with Novelty seeking (NS) and substance abuse: the saga continues. Molecular Psychiatry, 6, 497-499. Taurah and Chandler, Nov 2002. Long lasting self-reported depression in abstained MDMA users. Platform presentation, Royal College Psychiatrists annual meeting Leeds.
- Jansen K.L.R., Darracott-Cancovic R., Chandler C. and Theron L. (2003). Schizotypy and memory deficits linked with ketamine dependence. The Journal of the European College of Neuropsychopharmacology, 13, Suppl. 4, pS424
- Taurah L. and Chandler C.J. (2003). Elevated depression scores following abstinence from MDMA. Addiction Biology, 8, 244-245.
- Taurah, L. and Chandler C.J. March 2003. Single dose of ecstasy causes increased levels of self-reported depression. Platform presentation, Annual BPS meeting, Bournemouth.
- Taurah L., Heslin M., Pal S., Chaudhuri R. and Chandler C.J. June 2004. Long lasting sleep disturbance in MDMA users. Platform presentation, Annual BPS meeting, London.
- Heslin, M., Taurah, L., Pal, S., Chaudhuri, K.R. & Chandler, C.J. (2004). 3,4- methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA/ecstasy) exposure targets particular dimensions of depression. Annual Symposium for the Society for the Study of Addiction. (Abstract only).
- Taurah, Heslin, and Chandler. Nov 2004. Increased self-reported somatic factors for current and ex-MDMA users. Platform presentation, Royal College of Psychiatrists annual meeting, York.
- Lusher J., Chandler C .and Ball D. (2004). Alcohol dependence and the alcohol Stroop paradigm: evidence and issues. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 75, 225-231.
- Lusher J., Chandler C. and Ball D. (2004). DRD4 & Cue Reactivity in Substance Abusers. Beyond Nature and Nurture - European Foundation for Psychiatry at the Maudsley. Poster presentation.
- Taurah L., Heslin M. and Chandler C.J. March 2005. Increased impulsivity scores for abstained and current MDMA users. Platform presentation, Annual BPS meeting,
- Heslin M., Taurah L. and Chandler, C.J. (2005). 3,4-Methylenedioxymetamphetamine (MDMA/ecstasy) exposure targets cognitive dimensions of depression. Annual BPS meeting, April. (Abstract).
- Taurah L., Pal S., Heslin M., Chaudari R. & Chandler C.J. (2005). A cross-sectional study of extrapyramidal and psychomotor symptoms in recreational users of 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA/Ecstasy). British Neuroscience Association Abstracts, 18, p24.05.
- Taurah L., Heslin M., & Chandler C.J. (2005). Long-lasting effects of MDMA on impulsivity. Annual BPS meeting, April. (Abstract).
- Taurah L., Pal S., and Chandler, C.J. (2006). Fine motor impairment in ex-recreational users of 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA). Association of British Neurologists.
- Taurah L., Pal S., and Chandler C.J. (2006). An investigation of fine motor impairment in recreational users of 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA). European Neurological Society (Abstracts).
- Chandler, C.J. and Diri, B. (2006). Recognition of degraded smoking-related images in smokers and non-smokers. Journal of Psychopharmacology, 20(5), A48.
- Taurah L., Sandhu A. and Chandler C.J, (2009). The long lasting effects of MDMA on memory. Platform Presentation, British Psychological Society Biopsychology Division.
- Lusher J., Chandler C.J., and Ball, D., (2009). The DRD4 gene influences attentional bias in heroin abusers and cigarette smokers. The Open Addiction Journal, 2 (6), 6-11.
- Taurah L, Sandhu A and Chandler CJ (2009). The similarities between gamblers, Facebook users and smokers. Poster Presentation, British Psychological Society Biopsychology Division
- Taurah L. and Chandler C.J. (2010). The long lasting effects of MDMA on executive functioning. Platform Presentation, British Psychological Society Biopsychology Division.
- Taurah L. and Chandler C.J. (2010). The long lasting effects of MDMA on executive functioning. Poster presentation, British Psychological Society Biopsychology Division.
- Taurah L., Pal S., and Chandler C.J. (2010). Fine motor impairment in past and present MDMA user. Platform Presentation, British Psychological Society Biopsychology Division.
- Cox S., Chandler C.J. and Riggs K. (2011). Alcoholism and the relevance of visuo-spatial perspective taking (VSPT) in understanding another’s visual viewpoint. Presentation at Society for the Study of Addiction. York.
- Taurah, L., Chandler, C., & Sanders, G. (2014). Depression, impulsiveness, sleep, and memory in past and present polydrug users of 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA, ecstasy). Psychopharmacology (Berl), 231(4), 737-751.
- Cox, S., Chandler, C., Simpson, A., & Riggs, K. (2016). The effect of alcohol dependence on automatic visuo-spatial perspective taking. Drug Alcohol Depend, 166, 21-25.
- Peters, E. M., Lusher, J. M., Banbury, S., & Chandler, C. (2016). Relationships between Breast-Feeding, Co-Sleeping, and Somatic Complaints in Early Childhood. Infant Ment Health J, 37(5), 574-583. doi:10.1002/imhj.21583
- Cox, S., Maurage, P., O'Connor, R., Chandler, C., & Riggs, K. (2018). Automatic visual-spatial perspective taking in alcohol-dependence: A study with happy emotional faces. Drug Alcohol Depend, 190, 42-45.
- Anastasi, N., Lusher, J., & Chandler, C. (2018). Proportion of time spent delivering support predicts stop smoking advisor quit rate independently of training, experience, and education. Journal of Smoking Cessation, 13(1), 18-25.
- Parker, P., Banbury, S & Chandler, C (2018). The utility of measuring flourishing in substance and alcohol use disorders research: a systematic review. European Journal of Applied Positive Psychology, 2(5), 1-13.
- Amirhosseini, M. H., Kazemian, H. B., Ouazzane, K., & Chandler, C. (2018). Natural Language Processing approach to NLP Meta model automation. Paper presented at the 2018 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN).
- Champion L, Economides M, Chandler C (2018) The efficacy of a brief app-based mindfulness intervention on psychosocial outcomes in healthy adults: A pilot randomised controlled trial. PLoS ONE 13(12): 1-20.
Book chapters
- Chandler C.J. (2004). Introduction to Psychobiology. In Complete Psychology (ed. Davey). Hodder, UK. Chandler C.J. (2004). Basic Foundation of Psychobiology. In Complete Psychology (ed. Davey). Hodder, UK.
- Chandler C.J. (2004). Animal Learning and Cognition. In Complete Psychology (ed. Davey). Hodder, UK.
- Chandler C.J. (2004). Motivation, Brain Reward Mechanisms and Behaviour. In Complete Psychology (ed. Davey). Hodder, UK. Chandler C.J. (2004). Emotion and Sleep. In Complete Psychology (ed. Davey). Hodder, UK.
- Chandler C.J. (2004). Perceptual Systems and motor Control. In Complete Psychology (ed. Davey). Hodder, UK.
- Chandler C.J. (2008). Introduction to psychobiology and genetics. In Complete Psychology (ed. Davey). Hodder, UK. 2nd Edition
- Chandler C.J. (2008). The brain, neurons and nervous systems. In Complete Psychology (ed. Davey). Hodder, UK. UK. 2nd Edition
- Chandler C.J. (2008). Animal Learning and Cognition. In Complete Psychology (ed. Davey). Hodder, UK. UK. 2nd Edition
- Chandler C.J. (2008). Motivation, Brain Reward Mechanisms and Behaviour. In Complete Psychology (ed. Davey). Hodder, UK. UK. 2nd Edition
- Chandler C.J. (2008) Emotion and Sleep. In Complete Psychology (ed. Davey). Hodder, UK. UK. 2nd Edition
- Chandler C.J. (2008) Perceptual Systems and motor Control. In Complete Psychology (ed. Davey). Hodder, UK. UK. 2nd Edition
- Chandler C.J. (2007 ) Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) cause and drug treatment. In Essays on Issues in Applied Developmental Psychology and Child Psychiatry Vol 2 (ed) Hosin A. Edwin Mellen Press
- Lusher J., Chandler C.J. and Ball D. (2007). A Contemporary Investigation into Vulnerability Factors of Alcoholism: A Distinct Substance of Abuse. In New Research in Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. Nova Science Publishers, Inc. NY.
- Chandler C. (2010). The Science of ADHD: A guide for Parents and Professionals. Wiley-Blackwell, Chichester. (January 2011 for the North American market)
- Chandler C (2015) Psychobiology, BPS-Blackwell. Chichester.
- Chandler C. & Anderws A. (2018) Addiction: A Biopsychosocial Perspective. Sage , London, UK.
Professor Chris Chandler
Professor of Psychology