Dr Bax is the principal lecturer in chemical and pharmaceutical sciences for the School of Human Sciences

Dr Chris Bax
Dr Bax has a BSc in Pharmacology from the University of Bath, and a PhD in Biochemistry from the University of London. He was a postdoctoral researcher at St George's University of London and a Research Fellow at Barts. He is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, and Visiting Lecturer at the British College of Osteopathic Medicine.
- Pharmacology (including neuropharmacology)
- Cancer biology and cancer pharmacology
- Laboratory supervision of BSc and MSc students
- Foundation year science
Dr Bax has published extensively, with 30 peer-reviewed publications and five book chapters.
Selected publications
- Jacoby J.C., Heugh, S, Bax, C. & Branford-White, C. (2014). Enhancing learning through formative assessment. Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 51:1, 72-83.
- Bax C., Baggott G., Howey E., Pellet-Many C., Rayne R., Neonaki M., Bax B.E., Branford White, C. (2006). Evaluation of Formative Computer-based Assessment by Cell Biology Students with Differing Entry Qualifications and Ethnicity. Bioscience Education e-Journal 8.
- Bax, C.M.R., Davies, S., Chatzaki, E., Butler, S.A. and Iles, R.K. (2003). Role of glycoprotein hormones in endometrial cancer. In: Cell and Molecular Biology of Endometrial Carcinoma, Eds Kuramoto, H. and Nishida, M., Springer-Verlag, Tokyo.
- Davies, S., Bax, C.M.R., Chatzaki, E., Chard, T. and Iles, K. (2000). Regulation of endometrial cancer cell growth by luteinising hormone (LH) and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH). British Journal of Cancer, 83 (12); 1730-1734.
- Bloxam, D.L., Bax, C.M.R. and Bax, B.E. (1997). Culture of syncytiotrophoblast for the study of human placental transfer. Part I: isolation and purification of cytotrophoblast. Placenta, 18, 93-98.
- Chatzaki, E., Bax, C.M.R., Eidne, K., Anderson, L., Grudzinskas, J.G. and Gallagher, C.J. (1996). The expression of gonadotropin-releasing hormone and its receptor in endometrial cancer and its relevance as an autocrine growth factor. Cancer Research, 56, 2059-2065.